2023年12月19日发布 | 290阅读

Different strategies for different types of dissections






• 52 y/o female.

Suffered from headache for 40 days, right limb weakness accompanied with paroxysmal expressive aphasia for one month.
• Local hospital CTA revealed the left ICA occlusion and a left V4 segment dissecting aneurysm. MRI revealed left hemisphere acute infarctions.

• Medication: Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Atorvastatin, and Rabeprazole.

• Past medical history: HTN (-), DM(-), no smoking cigarettes (-), alcohol consumption (-).
• NE: right limb muscle strength V-, right facial and thumb numbness.

• 52岁,女性。


• 当地医院CTA提示左侧颈内动脉闭塞,左侧椎动脉V4段夹层动脉瘤。MRI提示左侧大脑半球急性脑梗死。

• 药物:阿司匹林,氯吡格雷,阿托伐他汀和雷贝拉唑。
• 既往史:无高血压;无糖尿病;无吸烟史;无饮酒史。

• 神经查体:右侧肢体肌力V-,右侧脸部及大拇指麻木。

Figure 1. Local hospital CTA showed the left ICA occlusion. The left parietal low density was observed on CT while acute infarctions from DWI.

图 1. 当地医院CTA提示左侧颈内动脉闭塞。CT平扫可见左侧顶叶低密度影,DWI可见顶叶急性梗死灶。

Figure 2. Local hospital CTP depicted the left parietotemporal low perfusion. 

No microhemorrhage was detected from SWI.

图 2. 当地医院CTP示左侧顶颞叶低灌注。SWI未见明显微出血灶。

Figure 3. HR-MR revealed the left V4 segment and the left ICA wall intramural hematoma, thickness and thrombosis one month later. MRA visualized the left ICA recanalized spontaneously with the left ICA cavernous severe stenosis.

图 3. 1月后复查高分辨率磁共振及头颅MRA示原闭塞左侧颈内动脉再通,左侧椎动脉V4段及左侧颈内动脉可见壁间血肿,管壁增厚及血栓血管形成,左侧ICA海绵窦段局部重度狭窄。

Figure 4 GIF. DSA confirmed left cavernous dissection with severe stenosis and bilateral ICA cervical segments dysplasia.

图 4 GIF. DSA证实左侧海绵窦段夹层伴局部重度狭窄,双侧颈内动脉颈段发育不良。

Figure 5 GIF. Angiograms demonstrated a left V4 segment dissecting aneurysm with in the distal segment stenosis of parent artery. While posterior circulation was compensated for the left anterior circulation. A left V2 segment dissection was observed.

图 5 GIF. 后循环造影证实左侧椎动脉V4段夹层动脉瘤伴载瘤动脉远端狭窄,左侧椎动脉V2段小夹层。后循环经后交通动脉代偿左侧前循环。



1.The left V4 segment dissecting aneurysm with distal segment stenosis presented growth or rupture risks, which was suggested to treat.

2.Due to the simple procedure and without a perforator arising from the segment, a flow diverter can be employed. The post-stenting large coil technique is an alternative.

3.For better apposition and remodeling effect, the pre-dilation with insufficient pressure should be performed.

4.This patent was considered segmental artery dysplasia due to multiple dissections. The left V2 segment dissection can be stented to lower occlusion risks.

5.The left ICA spontaneously recanalized in one month after antiplatelet administration. Left cavernous segment dissection with severe stenosis and low perfusion should be stented to improve left hemisphere perfusion and decrease re-occlusion risk.

6.SWI: no micro-hemorrhages and CTA: no significant calcifications.




Step 1. Left V4 segment dissection

Figure 6 GIF. General anesthesia and general heparinization. 6F 105cm Navien was positioned in the left V4 segment via 125cm MP and 0.035 microwires for better support. Dilated Gateway 3*15mm 4ATM for 10s at the stenosis segment. XT-27 microcatheter was advanced at the basilar artery. Deployed Surpass Evolve 3.25*20mm stent covering the dissection. Angiograms showed contrast medium stagnated in the dissecting aneurysm with stent well open and apposition.

图 6 GIF. 全身麻醉, 全身肝素化。将6F 105cm Navien导引导管在125cm MP和0.035导丝导引下置于V4夹层狭窄段近端提供足够支撑。选用Gateway 3*15mm球囊在Floopy-300导丝支撑下置于夹层狭窄段,予4ATM扩张10s后泄除球囊。XT-27微导管置于基底动脉,Surpass Evolve 3.25*20mm支架于夹层段释放,支架释放满意。复查造影夹层动脉瘤内造影剂滞留,载瘤动脉通畅及支架打开并贴壁良好。

Figure 7 GIF. Intracranial vessels were intact. Tirofiban 5ml and Nimodipine 0.5ml were administered.

图 7 GIF. 正侧位造影均示颅内血管显影良好。经导引导管予替罗非班5ml和尼莫地平0.5ml。


Step 2. Left V2 segment dissection

Figure 8. Wingspan 3.5*15mm stent was deployed at left V2 segment. Angiograms showed the dissecting segment was recovered satisfactorily.

图 8. 选用Wingspan 3.5*15mm支架于左侧V2段夹层处释放,复查造影夹层段修复满意。


Step 3. Left ICA cavernous segment stenosis

Figure 9. 6F 105cm Navien guiding catheter was positioned in the left ICA. Nimodipine 0.5ml was administered for prophylactically alleviated  vasospasm. Gateway 3*15mm was dilated 4ATM for 10s at cavernous segment. Angiograms showed the stenosis was dilated satisfactorily and no hemorrhage occurred. Then deployed Wingspan 3.5*15mm (cut off tip) covering the stenosis.

图 9. 将6F 105cm Navien置于左侧颈内动脉。经动脉灌注尼莫地平0.5ml预防血管痉挛。Gateway 3*15mm球囊于海绵窦段狭窄处4ATM扩张10s,球囊扩张满意,造影证实未见出血。选用Wingspan 3.5*15mm(剪去头端,避免刺破血管)于狭窄段释放。

Figure 10 GIF. Angiograms showed the vessels vasospasm. Tirofiban 8ml and Nimodipine in total 2ml were administered. Waiting for 10 minutes. Vasospasm alleviated and left anterior blood flow improved significantly.

图 10 GIF. 复查造影颈段血管痉挛明显。经导引导管给予替罗非班8ml,反复多次共给予尼莫地平2ml。10min后复查造影血管痉挛缓解,左侧前循环血流明显改善。

Figure 11 GIF. Re-checking left vertebral artery angiograms visualized the dissecting aneurysm sac contrast stagnation and dissecting segment recovered well. Tirofiban 3ml was administered. DynaCT showed no bleeding.

图 11 GIF. 复查左椎造影:夹层动脉瘤内造影剂滞留明显,夹层段修复良好。经导引导管给予替罗非班3ml。Dyna-CT未见出血。



NE: GCS 15, bilateral eye movement normal, bilateral muscle strength normal, no swallowing difficulty nor facial paralysis.

Medication: Stopped Clopidogrel and changed to Ticagrelor 45mg bid. Continue Aspirin 100mg qd. AA 87.5%, ADP 50.3%, CYP2C19 IM.

神经查体:患者GCS 15,双侧眼球运动正常,四肢肌力正常,无饮水呛口及面瘫。

药物:停氯吡格雷,改成替格瑞洛45mg bid,继续口服阿司匹林100mg qd。血栓弹力图:阿司匹林抑制率87.5%,氯吡格雷抑制率50.3,氯吡格雷基因代谢中等代谢,酶活性减低。

Figure 12 GIF. No acute infarctions were detected from DWI.

图 12 GIF. 术后第3天复查头颅DWI未见急性脑梗死。


Follow Up

Figure 13 GIF. Angiograms showed the left dissecting recovered well (OKM D) by 6 month follow up.

图 13 GIF. 6个月随访复查造影左侧椎动脉夹层修复完好,夹层动脉瘤不显影。

Figure 14. A left V2 segment small dissecting recovered completely by 6 month follow up.

图 14. 6个月随访左侧椎动脉V2段小夹层完全修复。

Video 1. No re-stenosis occurred in the left ICA cavernous segment and intracranial vessel were intact.

视频 1. 6个月复查左侧颈内动脉海绵窦段支架内无再狭窄,血流通畅,颅内血管完好。

Figure 15. A left anterior circulation blood flow increased without posterior circulation compensation. Left ICA cervical segment dissection recovered.

图 15. 6个月复查左侧前循环血流增加,不需要后循环代偿。左侧颈内动脉修复



1.Intracranial dissecting aneurysms harboured growth and rupture risks, which was suggested treatment. Both post stenting large coil technique and flow diverters can be selected. A flow diverter was adopted for the left V4 segment dissecting aneurysm with distal segment stenosis. By 6 month follow up, the dissecting aneurysm was invisible and parent artery recovered well. While more cases were needed to verify the safety and efficacy.

2.Extracranial dissections with severe stenoses can be treated by balloon angioplasty and stenting in order to improve left hemisphere blood flow and decrease re-occlusion risk. Left cavernous segment dissection and severe stenosis was stented. By 6 month follow up, no re-stenosis occurred and left anterior circulation improved significantly.

3.Cervical segment dissections without stenoses can be treated by stenting or medicine alone. The left V2 segment dissection was stented by a Wingspan. The vessel wall recovered completely by 6 month follow up. Bilateral ICA cervical segment dissections were treated by medicine alone.

4.This patent was considered segmental artery dysplasia due to multiple dissections. Aspirin was suggested for long-term. Next DSA follow up was scheduled in 2-3 years.














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