2023年11月09日发布 | 114阅读

Embolization of T10 Segment Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula






• 59 y/o male.

Suffered from right lower limb weakness and mild urination disturbance for 4 years, aggravated for one year.

• Past medical history: No HTN nor DM.
• Medication: none.
• PE: 

Right lower limb V-. Right lower limb numbness.

Aminoff-Logue score: G1M1F0.

• 59岁,男性。

• 右下肢无力伴轻度小便困难4年,加重1年。

• 既往史:否认高血压、糖尿病。
• 药物:-。
• 查体:



Figure 1. Abnormal flow voids  and thoracic spinal edema.

图 1. 胸段 MRI提示异常血管流空影及脊髓水肿。

Figure 2 GIF. T10 segment spinal dural arteriovenous fistula was confirmed, which was fed by right radicular arteries and drained to spinal venous. No other feeding arteries were found from spinal angiography.

图 2 GIF. 脊髓血管造影证实T10硬脊膜动静脉瘘,由右侧T10肋间动脉发出的根固有动脉供血向脊髓静脉引流。全脊髓血管造影证实无其他动脉供血。



  1. The fistula located at right T10 intervertebral foramen. The SDAVF was fed by right radicular arteries and drained to spinal venous.

  2. Microcatheter angiography should be performed to test the reflux and meanwhile rule out functional spinal artery to avoid excessive embolization.

  3. Microcatheter should be navigated to the fistula as far as possible.

  4. Onyx-18 was selected if microcatheter was navigated to the distal part of feeding artery. While Glubran was an alternative if microcatheter cannot be in place.

  1. 诊断:硬脊膜动静脉瘘,瘘口位于右侧T10水平椎间孔,由右侧第10肋间动脉发出的根固有动脉供血,向脊髓静脉引流。
  2. 栓塞前需微导管造影测试返流情况,同时有助于发现功能型脊髓动脉,避免过度栓塞。
  3. 微导管需尽可能向远端超选。

  4. 若微导管超选至供血动脉远端,选择Onyx-18打胶;若微导管无法超选到很远,可以选择Glubran。



Figure 3 GIF. Nimodipine 1 ml was administered. A Marathon microcatheter was navigated into the distal part of the radicular artery via the support of several Transend-10 and Mirage 008 microwires.
图 3 GIF. 经微导管局部分次灌注尼莫地平1ml。在Transend-10和Mirage 008微导丝导引下Marathon微导管超选至根固有动脉末端,微导管造影证实到位。

Figure 4 GIF. Onyx-18 0.3ml was injected. Re-check angiograms showed the fistula invisible while a bit of contrast agent extravasation. Heparinization was reversal.

图 4 GIF. 注入Onyx-18 0.3ml,胶在脊髓静脉、动静脉瘘铸型良好。撤出微导管复查造影,瘘口不显影,局部可见造影剂外渗。肝素自然中和。

Figure 5 GIF. Echelon-10 45° microcatheter was advanced into the feeding artery and angiograms confirmed the feeding artery was not normal functional spinal artery. Onyx-18 0.2ml was injected to embolize the main feeding artery.

图 5 GIF. 选用Echelon-10 45°微导管超选至供血动脉分支近端,证实非有正常功能的脊髓动脉,注入Onyx-18 0.2ml将供血动脉主干闭塞。

Figure 6 GIF. Angiograms depicted no bleeding and the fistula invisible. Furthermore, adjacent intercostal/lumbar artery angiography did not showed any residual fistula. Anterior spinal artery and posterior spinal artery were observed.

图 6 GIF. 复查造影无活动性出血,瘘口不显影。复查紧邻节段肋间动脉及腰动脉造影未见残余瘘口显影,脊髓前、后动脉显影良好。

Figure 7 GIF. Onyx casting in intervertebral foramen.
图 7 GIF. CT显示Onyx在椎间孔铸型。

Figure 8. Post-operative MR showed spinal edema a bit improved.

图 8. 术后复查MR提示脊髓水肿较前略好转。



  • PE: B bilateral limbs V, right lower limb numbness relieved. Aminoff-Logue score: G0M0.
  • Medication: Continue Rivaroxaban 20mg qd (Low molecular heparin was prescribed for 3 days and bridging with Rivaroxaban before operation). Mannitol.

  • 查体:四肢肌力V,右下肢麻木较前好转。Aminoff-Logue score: G0M0.

  • 药物:继续利伐沙班20mg qd(术前3天皮下注射低分子肝素并桥接利伐沙班)。并予甘露醇适当脱水。



  1. The fistula located at right T10 intervertebral foramen. The SDAVF was fed by right radicular arteries and drained to spinal venous.

  2. Microcatheter angiography should be performed to test the reflux and meanwhile rule out functional spinal artery to avoid excessive embolization.

  3. Microcatheter should be navigated to the fistula as far as possible.

  4. Onyx-18 was selected if microcatheter was navigated to the distal part of feeding artery. While Glubran was an alternative if microcatheter cannot be in place.

  5. The fistula and primary venous were casted densely, while the distal spinal veins should be avoided packed.

  6. Adjacent intercostal/lumbar artery angiography (Contralateral and adjacent levels) were performed to rule out other feeding arteries.

  7. Post-operative confirmed onyx casted at the right 10th intervertebral foramen.

  8. Low molecular heparin was prescribed perioperative period for 3 days and bridging with Rivaroxaban. Rivaroxaban was prescribed for the long term.

  1. 诊断:硬脊膜动静脉瘘,瘘口位于右侧T10水平椎间孔,由右侧第10肋间动脉发出的根固有动脉供血,向脊髓静脉引流。

  2. 栓塞前需微导管造影测试返流情况,同时有助于发现脊髓功能动脉,避免过度栓塞。

  3. 微导管需尽可能向远端超选。

  4. 若微导管超选至供血动脉远端,选择Onyx-18打胶;若微导管无法超选到很远,则可以选择Glubran。

  5. 瘘口及初级静脉端须致密栓塞,避免栓塞脊髓静脉远端。

  6. 术后需要复查紧邻节段肋间动脉、腰动脉,排除瘘口残余供血。

  7. 术后胸椎CT证实液体胶在右侧第10椎间孔铸型。

  8. 术前3天予低分子肝素皮下注射并桥接利伐沙班,术后建议继续长期口服利伐沙班。

* 注:本文作者:张晓龙教授团队,内容来源:上海神经介入论坛,脑医汇获授权转载发布



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