2022年12月26日发布 | 328阅读

【Part.01】桡动脉闭塞(RAO)知多少 ?(双语)




TRA has become the default(默认) access site for cardiac catheterization in many countries, and strategies to preserve the patency(开放) of the radial artery for future use are becoming an integral(必要的) part of the catheterization procedure.


Our analysis represents the first systematic review of such radial protection strategies, synthesizing evidence from over 66 studies and 31 345 participants, to assess the incidence of and risk factors for RAO as well as to examine the effificacy of the measures used to prevent it. 


Our analysis suggests that RAO is common, with incident rates of 7.7% for early RAO within 24 hours, declining to 5.5% at 1 month. Clinically, absence of radial pulse(桡动脉搏动) is often described as occluded artery; however, this can underestimate the true incidence of RAO. For example, in one study RAO incidence  defifined by absence of pulse was found to be 4.4%, whereas absence of radial artery flow(桡动脉血流) was found to be at 10.5%.


It is therefore recommended to use a more objective method of  assessment of RAO using radial flow as assessed by ultrasound(超声). In support of this, when studying the method of  assessment of RAO, we observed that the incidence of RAO  increased from 5.6% to 7.8% when ultrasound is used for detection of RAO. 


Many baseline patient characteristics such as sex, age, body mass index, and procedural variables such as artery-to-sheath ratio, heparin use, and duration of compression have been reported to be associated with RAO, but there appears to be a lot of heterogeneity(异质性) in the literature. 


The incidence of RAO varies according to the timing of assessment  of radial artery patency postprocedure. Acute RAO rates are higher acutely and decline with time. In the PROPHET study, the acute incidence of RAO (12%) was almost halved by the passage  of 28 days (7%). In accordance with these observations, our analysis also suggests a decreased incidence of RAO over a period of 28 days from 7.7% to 5.8%. 


This decline in the incidence of RAO with time can be explained by the spontaneous recanalization of the radial artery. Recanalization occurs  as the results of activation of primary fifibrinolysis(原发性纤维蛋白溶解). The damaged  endothelium(内皮) facilitates this by releasing tissue plasminogen activator(组织纤溶酶原激活物) and urokinase, thus allowing fifibrinolysis to occur. 


TRA also negatively affects the structure and function of the radial artery, culminating in nonocclusive injury. Endothelial and vascular smooth muscle integrity play a central role in preserving the function of the arterial wall.  Damaged and dysfunctional endothelium has been strongly attributed to development of vascular disease and atherosclerosis.


More recently, changes in flow-mediated dilatation has been used as a surrogate(替代) of endothelial dysfunction. Flow-mediated dilatation is an in vivo bioassay(生物活性) of NO mediated endothelial function in which vascular endothelium releases NO as a vasodilatory(血管舒张) response according to the changes in the vascular blood flow. 


Yan et al recently  demonstrated that average flow-mediated dilatation post 5-  Fr TRA reduced signifificantly from 11.5% to 4.1% immediately  after the procedure and dropped even further to 0.7% at  3 months.

Yan等人最近证实5- Fr TRA术后的平均血流介导的血管扩张,可使RAO发生率显著降低,从11.5%下降到4.1%,在术后3个月时进一步下降到0.7%。

This suggests that endothelial damage may  actually persist longer than perceived. Additionally, TRA also results in structural damage to the radial artery. Yonetsu et al  studied the structural changes in radial artery from acute  vascular trauma and found that 67% of radial arteries had intimal tears(内膜撕裂) and 36% had medial dissections(夹层) immediately  after transradial PCI.


The combination of these structural and functional changes in arterial wall lead to signifificant arterial remodeling, which may have important clinical implications. For instance, Sakai et al  studied patients  undergoing repeated transradial interventions in the same arm and found that the rate of successful radial access  decreases with successive procedures.  


Acute artery occlusion is thought to be a thrombotic(血栓形成)  phenomenon on a background of chronic occlusive changes.  Sheath insertion and instrumentation during TRA causes endothelial damage, exposing the thrombogenic connective tissue. In addition, blood stasis while achieving hemostasis provides the nidus(病灶) for thrombus formation. 


Therefore, reducing  endothelial damage by minimizing compression time and using  small introducer sheath size along with patent hemostasis may help in reducing the occlusion rates. Saito et al studied the relationship between arterial blood flow and sheath size outer  diameter and found that incidence of blood flow reduction is  signifificantly low when radial artery inner diameter/cannulated  sheath outer diameter is 1.0 (artery/sheath diameter ratio >1).


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