一 概述

Left: Adolf Meyer (1866–1950) provided the first detailed configuration that asserted the peculiar detour into the temporal lobe of the anterior part of the optic radiation. Right: The pathway of optic radiation was studied by Cushing (1922), giving credit to Dr. Meyer's 1907 publication.
前束即为大家熟悉的Meyer’s loop。从外侧膝状体起源后,构成前束的纤维,沿着颞角顶壁向前外侧方向行走,越过颞角前端,纤维向后走行,位于颞角和三角区的外侧,最后到达距状裂的下唇。中束最初横向向上穿过颞角顶部,然后急剧转向,沿三角区和枕角外侧行后部走行,穿过下纵束上方并在外侧终止于枕极。后束向后走行,形成三角区和枕角的外侧壁和部分顶壁,终止在距状裂上唇。
lllustration showing a summary of the optic radiation relations with the sulci, gyri, and lateral ventricle. The anterior bundle (red), central bundle (yellow), and posterior bundle (green).
Yasargil教授早在1953年就亲手制作了视辐射的标本(下图 左)。在接下来的超过半个世纪的时间里,他对视辐射的研究一直保存着浓厚兴趣。
2004年他应JNS杂志社邀请,发表编辑社论《Impact of temporal lobe surgery》1,作为对Sincoff 教授发表论著《White matter fiber dissection of the optic radiations of the temporal lobe and implications for surgical approaches to the temporal horn》的回应3。文中他以渊博的学识,一口气历数了几十位解剖学者或神经外科医生在视辐射研究的历史贡献。
因为不同作者对视辐射前束的确切位置的描述充满争议,他的学生Türe 当时正在着手研究白质纤维解剖,并在该研究领域已有所建树,他询问Türe 对于这个问题的看法,Türe 认为限于当前白质纤维显微解剖技术,无法精确分离视辐射,导致不同作者的研究结论并不一致。
二 侧脑室颞角的手术入路与视辐射

Left: A left-sided presumed optic radiation, which was dissected in 1953 by M. G. Yasargil.
Right:The arrows signify different surgical approaches to the mesiobasal temporal region. A = anterior transsylvian; b = subtemporal transsulcal; c = lateral transsulcal; d = supracerebellar transtentorial(a、b、c均经颞角到达颞叶内侧,d则直接切除颞叶内侧)
在接下来的1985和1993年,Yasargil教授又相继发表文章,介绍了相关手术的经验5,6。在2010年,他用文字更加详细描述了经侧裂入路切开皮层的具体位置7:梨状区皮质的软脑膜切口,位于杏仁核上方,在 M 1 段外侧和侧裂深静脉外侧 2-3 mm 处,颞极动脉和颞前动脉之间或后者的远端,具体取决于个体解剖,文章的插图也精确图示了切开皮层的部位。
Left: lllustration of the surgical exploration of the right mesial temporal region. Incision (dotted line indicated by arrow) through the piriform cortex over the amygdala between the polar and anterior temporal arteries, or just distal to the latter.
Right: Postresection illustration of the anterior two-thirds of the right hippocampus and parahippocampus.
但阅读Yasargil教授早期文章(1993年),论文插图(下方右图)很容易让人产生误解,以为单纯就是切开岛叶下界沟,直接进入颞角6,在后来的文献(2010)中,左图作为经典图片一直保留 ,右图则弃用。
Left:Transsylvian approach to the mediobasal temporal region lateral to the sylvian vein and middle cerebral artery bifurcation . Dotted line indicates the place of pial incision.
Right: Incision (dotted line) through the anterior temporal stem (12-15 mm length and 5-10 mm depth) to the temporal horn.
在回应Yeni文章的评述中,Yasargil教授不得不再次解释了切口的位置:从岛下沟的前点开始,正好在岛阈水平,从远端向近端切开(不是向后切开,正如Wieser 在 1982 年错误地提到的那样9 )
2006年的Choi和Rhoton教授等人用精美的解剖图片,准确、直观的图示了经杏仁核入路,皮层切开的具体位置10。个人觉得,这篇文献彻底讲清楚如何在岛阈附近做切口而避免损伤视辐射,这实际上也是Yasargil教授在之前的文章中反复描述的位置,在这之前,Yasargil教授文献,因为缺少对Meryer’s loop和杏仁核相对位置的解剖图片,语言的描述还是不太容易让人准确把握,至少对于我而言是这样。
Left and Middle: Inferior view of the right temporal lobe. The yellow lines outline a triangular safe area can be approached from above without damaging the optic radiations and optic tract.
Right: Photographs of coronal sections Green area between optic tract and Meyer’s loop.
Left:The incision (yellow line) that opens into the amygdala and the temporal horn carries less risk of damaging the optic radiations than the incision behind the limen (black line) in the inferior insular sulcus.
Right:An incision that opens directly from above along the inferior insular sulcus is much more likely to cross the optic radiations than a more anterior incision (yellow line) that exposes the temporal horn through the amygdala (green oval).
(A):The yellow arrow points out the direction of the approach, through the temporal horn.
(B): The dashed line shows the corticotomy site, of no more than 8 mm. The uncinate fasciculus (pink), optic radiations (green), and the projection of the temporal horn (gray) are demarcated.
Ribas E C、文弘志、Rhoton教授等2015年在JNS上发表文献12,详细测量了颞阈点(岛叶下界沟和岛阈交汇的位置 ,ILS joins the limen insula named Temporal limen point)在下界沟区域距离视辐射(下图浅蓝色实线)前点、后点的距离分别是10.6mm和34.5mm。给出的结论是:恰好位于岛阈后部,沿下界沟切开6mm,将经过钩束,不会经过额枕束或视辐射,但更长的切口可能会对语言和视觉功能造成影响。
Schematic representation of the location of the fiber tracts in the temporal stem. The deepest layers of fibers in the temporal stem are the optic radiations (light blue).The optic radiations were found between an average of 10.6 and 34.5 mm posterior to the limen insula.
Lateral view. The superior, middle temporal, angular, and occipital gyri were removed. Observe the optic radiation located deep to the superior and middle temporal gyri,above the inferior temporal sulcus.
Spetzler教授和泰国的Siwanuwatn教授推荐经颞下沟入路经颞角到达环池(下图 左),认为该入路手术路径相对平直14。
Left: The approach through the inferior temporal sulcus provides a relatively direct line of sight Center and Right: The temporal horn is approached through a cortical incision (broken line) in the occipitotemporal sulcus between the inferior temporal and occipitotemporal gyri.

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