2022年12月12日发布 | 335阅读

R-MCA Large dissecting AN, staged coils and Pipeline embolization




Case Review


• 68 y/o male.

• Suffering from sudden onset of dizziness. A giant right middle cerebral artery dissecting aneurysm was found.

• Past medical history: No HTN OR DM. Neither smoking or drinking.

• Medication:-.

• NE: (-).

• 68岁 男性。

• 突发头晕,检查发现右侧大脑中动脉巨大夹层动脉瘤。

• 既往史:否认高血压、糖尿病,否认吸烟饮酒。

• 药物:-。

• 神经查体:-。

Figure 1. HR-MR visualized a giant right middle cerebral artery dissecting aneurysm with significant wall enhancement and thickness.
图 1. 高分辨率MR提示右侧大脑中动脉巨大夹层动脉瘤,动脉瘤瘤壁增厚伴强化。

Figure 2. MRA revealed an irregular giant right middle cerebral artery dissecting aneurysm.
图 2. MRA提示右侧大脑中动脉不规则巨大夹层动脉瘤。

Figure 3 GIF. DSA confirmed a giant lobular right M1 segment dissecting aneurysm and right lenticulostriate arteries originating from the M1 segment.
图 3 GIF. DSA证实右侧大脑中M1段巨大分叶状夹层动脉瘤,右侧豆纹动脉发自M1段。

Figure 4. 3D construction showed an irregular right middle cerebral artery dissecting aneurysm mainly incorporating the M1 trunk.

图 4. 3D重建提示右侧大脑中不规则夹层动脉瘤,动脉瘤累及M1主干。



• The giant lobular M1 segment dissecting aneurysm with a high risk of bleeding or occlusion should be treated.

• Conventional technique-conventional stent assisted large coil was economical but harbored a relative high recurrence risk.

• Pipeline was another choice for this kind of aneurysms, with a low recurrence risk but delayed rupture or occlusion risks.

• Staged operation-first stage for simple coil embolization and second stage for Pipeline deployment will be adopted in order to reduce a delayed bleeding risk.

• The distal aneurysm sac possessed a high rupture risk, which will be embolized at the first stage.

• Dual antiplatelet therapy will be administered after the first stage.

• 大脑中M1段巨大分叶状夹层动脉瘤,出血或血管闭塞风险高,建议治疗。

• 传统的方法——普通支架辅助大圈栓塞更经济,但相对复发风险高。

• 这类夹层动脉瘤也可以选择Pipeline,复发风险低,但有延迟出血或血管闭塞风险。

• 为了降低复发和延迟破裂风险,我们采用分期治疗,一期单纯栓塞,二期Pipeline支架置入。

• 该动脉瘤远端瘤腔破裂风险高,一期弹簧圈栓塞降低出血风险。

• 一期治疗后予双抗口服。


Stage 1. Simple coiling

Figure 5. Measurements: distal aneurysm sac size 11.74*9.27mm and proximal sac largest diameter 9.82mm.
图 5. 测量:远端动脉瘤囊腔大小11.74*9.27mm,近段动脉瘤囊腔最大径9.82mm。

Figure 6 GIF. General heparinization. 6F Envoy-DA guiding catheter was positioned into the right internal carotid artery cavernous sinus segment. A Prowler Plus and a C-curved Echelon-10 45° microcatheters were navigated into the distal sac via Synchro-II microwire. Then insert three large coils (Perdenser 13mm*30cm, Perdenser 10mm*30cm and Perdenser 11mm*30cm).
图 6 GIF. 全身肝素化。6F Envoy-DA导引导管置于右侧颈内动脉海绵窦段。将Prowler Plus和头端塑“C”弯的Echelon-10 45° 微导管在Synchro-II微导丝支撑下超选至动脉瘤腔内。依次填入3枚大圈(Perdenser 13mm*30cm,Perdenser 10mm*30cm和Perdenser 11mm*30cm)。

Figure 7. Continue 17 coils into the distal sac and 2 coils (Perdenser 7mm*30cm and Perdenser 5mm*15cm) into the proximal sac.
图 7. 远端瘤腔内继续填入17枚弹簧圈,近断囊腔内填入2枚弹簧圈( Perdenser 7mm*30cm和Perdenser 5mm*15cm )。

Figure 8 GIF. Angiography revealed the distal sac was densely packed and proximal sac was packed loosely.
图 8 GIF. 复查造影远端囊腔致密栓塞,近端囊腔疏松填塞。

Figure 9 GIF. Intracranial vessels were intact by a right internal carotid artery angiography. Tirofiban 6ml was administered.
图 9 GIF. 右侧颈内动脉造影示颅内血管完好。遂给予替罗非班6ml。

Figure 10. 3D reconstruction showed the coiling configuration.

图 10. 3D重建显示弹簧圈成篮。


Post Operation

• NE: GCS 15, no headache or dizziness, normal bilateral muscle strength.

• Medication: Tirofiban 7ml/h maintained for 24 hours. Clopidogrel and Aspirin.

• 神经查体:GCS 15,无头痛头晕,四肢肌力正常。

• 药物:替罗非班7ml/h微泵维持24h。口服氯吡格雷及阿司匹林。


Pipeline deployment (5d after 1st stage)

Figure 11. Choose two different working projections. Measurements: proximal parent artery diameter 2.5mm and distal parent artery diameter 2.8mm.

图 11. 选择两个不同的工作角度。测量载瘤动脉直径,近段2.5mm,远段2.8mm。

Figure 12. A Phenom 27 microcatheter was placed into the right M2 segment trunk by a Synchro II microwire.
图 12. Phenom 27微导管在Synchro II微导丝导引下至于右侧M2段主干。

Figure 13 GIF. Deploy Pipeline 3mm*20mm stent from M2 to M1 segment covering the aneurysm neck.

图 13 GIF. Pipeline 3mm*20mm支架置于右侧大脑中动脉M2段主干至M1段主干内,支架覆盖动脉瘤颈。

Figure 14 GIF. Pipeline stent opened well. Massage the stent with a microwire and a microcatheter.
图 14 GIF. Pipeline支架打开良好,微导丝和微导管支架内按摩。

Figure 15 GIF. Angiography showed the aneurysm sac almost non-visualization. Rational DSA depicted the stent well-opened and well-adherence.

图 15 GIF. 复查造影动脉瘤腔大部分不显影。旋转DSA示支架打开良好,支架贴壁满意。

Figure 16 GIF. Parent artery was patent and neither bleeding nor thrombus was observed.

图 16 GIF. 载瘤动脉动脉通畅,颅内未见出血及血栓。



• NE: GCS 15, no headache or dizziness, normal bilateral muscle strength, bilateral Babinski negative, no new neurological deficit.

• Medication: Clopidogrel and Aspirin ( ADP 97%, AA 100%).

• At discharge: Clopidogrel for three months and Aspirin for long-term.

• 神经查体:GCS 15,无头痛头晕,四肢肌力正常,双侧巴氏征阴性,无新发神经功能缺损。

• 术后用药:口服氯吡格雷和阿司匹林(氯吡格雷抑制率97%,阿司匹林抑制率100%)。

• 出院:氯吡格雷口服3个月,阿司匹林长期口服。


13 month follow up

Figure 17. The relapsed sac was reduced further by 3 month follow-up and the sac was completely recovered by 13 month follow-up.
图 17. 术后3个月随访残腔进一步缩小,术后13个月随访动脉瘤完全修复、不显影。

Video 1. Rational DSA showed the right middle cerebral artery inferior trunk became slender by the follow-up.

视频 1. 旋转DSA示随访时大脑中动脉下干萎缩纤细。

Video 2. The intra-stent was a severe stenosis by 3 month follow up while the stenosis improved by 13 month follow up.

视频 2. 术后3个月随访支架近段重度狭窄,13个月随访原重度狭窄明显改善。

Video 3. The parent artery was patent by follow up.

视频 3. 载瘤动脉动脉通畅。

Figure 18. MRA showed a relapsed aneurysm sac with intra-stent segment severe stenosis by 3 month follow up while the aneurysm disappeared with stenosis improvement by 13 month follow up.

图 18. 3个月MRA随访示动脉瘤腔仍有显影,支架近端明显狭窄;13个月随访动脉瘤不显影,支架内狭窄好转。

7. Summary

1. The giant lobular M1 segment dissecting aneurysm with a high risk of bleeding or occlusion should be treated.

2. Conventional technique-conventional stent assisted large coil was economical but harbored a relative high recurrence risk.

3. Pipeline was another choice for this kind of aneurysms, with a low recurrence risk but delayed rupture or occlusion risks.

4. Staged operation-first stage for simple coil embolization and second stage for Pipeline deployment was adopted in order to reduce a delayed bleeding risk.

5. The distal aneurysm sac possessed a high rupture risk, which was embolized at the first stage.

6. Tirofiban maintained for 24 hours after simple coiling because of the wide-necked dissecting aneurysm and protecting against thrombus formation.

7. Dual antiplatelet therapy was administered after the first stage.

8. Multiple working projections to deploy and observe the Pipeline for full-open and well-adherence.

9. Intra-stent severe stenosis was observed by 3 month follow-up and LDL was 2.77mmol/L. Therefore, Atorvastatin was prescribed. The stenosis improved when 13 month follow-up (LDL 1.41 mmol/L).

10. Continue statin and Clopidogrel for long-term and next follow up was scheduled in 2-3 years.

1. 大脑中M1段巨大分叶状夹层动脉瘤,出血或血管闭塞风险高,建议治疗。

2. 传统的方法——普通支架辅助大圈栓塞更经济,但相对复发风险高。

3. 这类夹层动脉瘤也可以选择Pipeline,复发风险低,但有延迟出血或血管闭塞风险。

4. 为了降低复发和延迟破裂风险,我们采用分期治疗,一期单纯栓塞,二期Pipeline支架置入。

5. 该动脉瘤远端瘤腔破裂风险高,一期弹簧圈栓塞降低出血风险。

6. 由于该夹层动脉瘤宽颈,为防止弹簧圈形成血栓后逃逸栓塞血管,一期单纯栓塞术后予替罗非班7ml/h维持24h。

7. 一期治疗后予双抗口服。

8. 二期pipeline支架释放选用多个工作角度观察释放,支架完全打开贴壁。

9. 3个月随访时支架内严重再狭窄,低密度脂蛋白2.77mmol/L,予口服阿托伐他汀。13个月随访时支架内再狭窄消失,患者低密度脂蛋白1.41mmol/L。














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前往 张晓龙教授 学术主页


The End




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