PNAS (IF 11.205)
medium spiny neurons (MSNs);dopamine D2 receptor;liver;metabolomic
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The circadian clock is tightly intertwined with metabolism and relies heavily on multifaceted interactions between organ systems to maintain proper timing. Genetic and/or environmental causes can disrupt communication between organs and alter rhythmic activities. Substance use leads to altered dopamine signaling followed by reprogramming of circadian gene expression and metabolism in the reward system. However, whether altered dopamine signaling in the brain affects circadian metabolism in peripheral organs has not been fully explored. We show that dopamine D2 receptors (D2R) in striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) play a key role in regulating diurnal liver metabolic activities. In addition, drugs that increase dopamine levels, such as cocaine, disrupt circadian metabolic profiles in the liver, which is exacerbated by loss of D2R signaling in MSNs. These results uncover a strict communication between neurons/brain areas and liver metabolism as well as the association between substance use and systemic deficits.
Nature biomedical engineering
Nature biomedical engineering (IF 25.671)
大脑对代谢平衡的调控依赖于外周神经元对营养物质的感知以及自主神经系统对代谢器官功能的调节。本研究关注糖代谢的主要器官——肝脏,结果表明通过外周聚焦超声刺激peripheral focused ultrasound stimulation(pFUS)干预肝脏门静脉神经丛,能够降低2型糖尿病动物模型的高血糖。
peripheral focused ultrasound stimulation(pFUS);Glucose homoeostasis;hepathoportal nerve plexus;PVN;NPY
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Peripheral neurons that sense glucose relay signals of glucose availability to integrative clusters of neurons in the brain. However, the roles of such signalling pathways in the maintenance of glucose homoeostasis and their contribution to disease are unknown. Here we show that the selective activation of the nerve plexus of the hepatic portal system via peripheral focused ultrasound stimulation (pFUS) improves glucose homoeostasis in mice and rats with insulin-resistant diabetes and in swine subject to hyperinsulinemic-euglycaemic clamps. pFUS modulated the activity of sensory projections to the hypothalamus, altered the concentrations of metabolism-regulating neurotransmitters, and enhanced glucose tolerance and utilization in the three species, whereas physical transection or chemical blocking of the liver–brain nerve pathway abolished the effect of pFUS on glucose tolerance. Longitudinal multi-omic profiling of metabolic tissues from the treated animals confirmed pFUS-induced modifications of key metabolic functions in liver, pancreas, muscle, adipose, kidney and intestinal tissues. Non-invasive ultrasound activation of afferent autonomic nerves may represent a non-pharmacologic therapy for the restoration of glucose homoeostasis in type-2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
Cell Metabolism
Cell metabolism (IF 27.287)
在这篇文章中,作者利用伪狂犬病毒追踪下丘脑室旁核(paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus,PVN)的OXT神经元(oxytocin neurons,催产素神经元)通过交感神经向胰腺发出功能投射。通过光遗传学,发现激活PVNOXT神经元会迅速抑制胰岛β细胞分泌胰岛素,并造成血糖升高;而光遗传学抑制则产生相反的效果。进一步研究发现PVNOXT的活性会由于葡萄糖缺乏而被激活。综上所述,本文揭示了通过多级投射调控胰岛β细胞分泌胰岛素的中枢脑区,拓展了我们对外周器官与中枢神经相互作用及及其机制的认知。
paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus(PVN);oxytocin neurons(OXT);pancreatic b cells;insulin secretion
The central nervous system has long been thought to regulate insulin secretion, an essential process in the maintenance of blood glucose levels. However, the anatomical and functional connections between the brain and insulin-producing pancreatic β cells remain undefined. Here, we describe a functional transneuronal circuit connecting the hypothalamus to β cells in mice. This circuit originates from a subpopulation of oxytocin neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVNOXT), and it reaches the islets of the endocrine pancreas via the sympathetic autonomic branch to innervate β cells. Stimulation of PVNOXT neurons rapidly suppresses insulin secretion and causes hyperglycemia. Conversely, silencing of these neurons elevates insulin levels by dysregulating neuronal signaling and secretory pathways in β cells and induces hypoglycemia. PVNOXT neuronal activity is triggered by glucoprivation. Our findings reveal that a subset of PVNOXT neurons form functional multisynaptic circuits with β cells in mice to regulate insulin secretion, and their function is necessary for the β cell response to hypoglycemia.