Rhoton解剖视频中《Cerebellopontine Angle and Fourth Ventricle》这一章节包含了幕下解剖的内容,包括小脑、第四脑室、幕下动脉、桥小脑角区等。为了完整展示幕下解剖,笔者加入《Internal Structures and Safe Entry Zones of the Brainstem》这一章节中的小脑解剖内容。本文内容与本公众号内文章《桥小脑角区解剖》(点击浏览)有部分重复。共150张图片。
Infratentorial anatomy
Let's go to the cerebellum first.
The cerebellar white matter is formed by three cerebellar peduncles: superior,middle, and inferior.
The largest one is the middle cerebellar peduncle,
which connects the cerebellum with the pons.
The transverse pontine fibers collect together to form the middle cerebellar peduncle at the level of the trigeminal nerve.
The inferior cerebellar peduncle, which is a connection between the cerebellum and spinal cord,
损伤小脑下脚和小脑中脚 可导致同侧共济失调。
The inferior cerebellar peduncle travels between the middle and superior cerebellar peduncles. Damage to the inferior and middle cerebellar peduncles may result in ipsilateral ataxia.
This is a posterior view. The inferior cerebellar peduncle,
The inferior cerebellar peduncle,reaches the cerebellar vermis by passing above the dentate nucleus.
Finally, the superior cerebellar peduncle, the connection between the cerebellum and thalamus,Damage to the superior cerebellar peduncle may cause contralateral cerebellar ataxia and tremor.
the superior cerebellar peduncle arises from the dentate nucleus and ascends up to the thalamus.
▼在中脑层面,小脑上脚的部分纤维 交叉后形成红核囊(下图)。
At the level of the midbrain,some fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle decussate to form the capsule of the red nucleus.
before reaching the thalamus.
The superior cerebellar peduncle forms the superior half of the lateral wall of the 4th ventricle.
and the inferior cerebellar peduncle forms the inferior half of the lateral wall of the 4th ventricle.
We are looking at the cerebellum from posterior. The uvula.
whereas the paired dentate nuclei are located next to the midline on each side.The dentate nucleus is the major outflow of the cerebellum.
Here, one can see the forming of the lateral walls of the superior half of the 4th ventricle by the superior cerebellar peduncles.
The posterior view. When the dentate nucleus is damaged, equilibratory disturbances, often accompanied by intention tremor during voluntary movement of the extremities, can be seen.
During the transvermian approach, splitting the inferior portion of the vermis may also play a role in cerebellar mutism.
▼这是 小脑蚓部的下半部。
The dentate nucleus is located at the superomedial position in the cerebellar hemisphere.
Well I just wanna talk a little bit about 4th ventricle. And, what subdivision of vermis is this?Uvula. It's like ENT, when you say "Ahh...".
The uvula hangs down between the tonsils.
And in the past, when we went to 4th ventricle we split the vermis, but that can cause a mutism syndrome,especially in children and young people.
▼而我们发现,牵开小脑扁桃体(下图),即可见 第四脑室顶的下半部分由下髓帆和脉络膜组成。
And we found if we retract the tonsil, you see the inferior half of the 4th is made up of the inferior medullary velum and the tela choroidea.
inferior medullary velum that sweeps from the nodule to the flocculus.
tela choroidea.
▼ 脉络丛起源于此。
in which the choroidal plexus arises.
And here we've opened the tela that forms the lower half of the roof of the 4th,and that gives a view all the way up to the aqueduct.
Here's the paper-thin velum.
that sweeps lateral to attach to theflocculus.
So that, if we have a lesion in the 4th,we don't split the vermis.
We go here adjacent to uvula. You retract the tonsils and you see the tela and the velum.
And you can get in and off to one side of the uvula. Here we see tela,and velum.
And you open the tela, you have a view all the way up to the aqueduct.
If you need access to the superolateral recess or the part of the pedunclar mass made up of the superior and inferior peduncle,you can divide the velum.
and that gives access to the superolateral recess.
▼侧隐窝的顶壁即由 下髓帆 和 脉络膜 构成,下图示下髓帆。
the lateral recess is roofed by velum and tela.
And then, if the pathology extends out the lateral recess.. and all you have to do to open the lateral recess is elevate the tonsil.
open the tela .
from Magendie to Luschka.
and you have access to all of the lateral recess.
So for pathology in the 4th, we use telovelar approach. It's become common in pediatric neurosurgery for 4th ventriclar tumors. Here's Luschka behind IX, adjacent the flocculus.
The only time I split the vermis today is if the tumor is in the vermis. And.
So here we've just...we've opened the tela. That's dorsal cochlear nucleus. They actually put the brainstem implant in the lateral recess. Just below this is ventral cochlear nucleus. And, I think they try to set it right on the junction of the two. Some people do it from lateral through Luschka. If the brainstem is real distorted with the tumor, I know some people come back down here and go, lift up the tonsil and open the lateral recess, and stick it in from below if the brainstem is real distorted.
▼这是该区域的总览,这是 小舌。
Here we just see a view of all of this area. This isthe uvula.
▼这是 蚓部的小结。
the nodule of the vermis.
Here's the inferior medullary velum.
the inferior medullary velum that sweeps laterally and caps the tonsil.
But often these trunks of the PICA run between the velum and the cranial pole of the tonsil.
And anytime you're dealing with the cranial pole of the tonsil, you wanna stay out of the dentate nucleus that wraps around that cranial pole of the tonsil just above the inferior medullary velum.
here we see the floor of the 4th.
the median sulcus.
▼这是 面丘。
facial colliculus.
below, vagal.
and then below, area postrema that gives this area a "pen nib" appearance that lead to it being called the calamus scriptorius.
we're working in this area here, at VII and VIII.
IX, X and XI.
you see XII here in front of XI.
here is 4th ventricle.
▼小脑脚中的哪部分与第四脑室直接相邻?在处理小脑脚内侧部的海绵状血管瘤时,与第四脑室相邻的这部分是小脑上脚 和 小脑下脚。下图示小脑上脚。
And what part of the peduncular mass makes up the part of the peduncle and faces the 4th ventricle? If you're dealing with cavernoma in this medial part of the peduncular mass that faces the 4th, all of that is made up of superior or what peduncle is this?Inferior.
Inferior peduncle.
for lesions in superior or inferior peduncle, we commonly come through the lateral recess of 4th.
For a lesion in the middle cerebellar peduncle that is lateral facing the cisterns,we commonly come in retrosigmoid from lateral.
▼下图这个结构是小脑绒球(flocculus ['flɒkjələs])。我曾在各种会议中问及很多医师,但是不止一位不知道我问的就是小脑绒球,而它正是桥小脑角区的一个重要解剖标志。
And this is...flocculus. I used to be able to ask thousand surgeons in the meeting what that was and...not a single person who look in the CP angle dozens of times really look at the flocculus, but it's an important landmark in CP angle.
▼这是右侧 舌咽、迷走、副神经。
And then the veins that you wanna watch for down at IX, X, XI are these inferior petrosal veins. And, they are often mixed in with these nerves.
▼我每次牵开小脑时,都会注意这些静脉 。
Whenever I elevate the cerebellum, I look for these.
because if you stretch them or tear them and when you get a clot around IX and X, and you put in cottonoids and bipolar, it's easy to damage these nerves. So if I see these veins and I'm gonna stretch them,then I usually protect the nerves and just bipolar it and get it out of the way.
这是小脑上动脉 SCA。
And we build this complex three arteries:SCA, AICA, PICA.
▼这是 小脑前下动脉 AICA。
▼这是 小脑后下动脉 PICA。
The SCA arises at midbrain level.
▼小脑上动脉走行在 动眼神经和滑车神经下方,三叉神经上方。
it passes below III and IV, above V.
And with age it often loops downward. It arises usually as a main trunk that divides into a rostral trunk to the vermis, a caudal trunk to the hemisphere.
▼这是 小脑上动脉 尾干, 供应小脑半球小脑幕面。
And any of these trunks can compress the trigeminal nerve here right adjacent to brainstem. And that's the most common finding in the vascular decompression operation for trigeminal neuralgia.
And here's what happens in trigeminal neuralgia,normally, early in life, this SCA arises at midbrain level,and it circles the lower midbrain.
But with age, this artery loops downward and in trigeminal neuralgia we find it, often find it sitting here on top of the trigeminal nerve, or loop down into the axilla of the trigeminal nerve.
And when you sacrifice these superior petrosal veins or the tributaries, to get to the trigeminal nerve.
when you do the lateral infratentorial approach coming adjacent to superior petrosal sinus, always be careful to dissect out any trunks of superior cerebellar artery that may be involved in the arachnid, binding the artery to the veins.
I think a number of cases that are called venous infarction from taking the veins are actually arterial infarction from taking a trunk of the SCA. So be very careful in sacrificing these veins.
And these arteries as they come around the SCA, they dip into the the cerebello-midbrain fissure.
▼小脑上动脉 环绕 中脑。
So this is upper complex, SCA encircling midbrain.
▼小脑上动脉 深入 小脑中脑裂 (cerebello-midbrain fissure 下图)之中。
It dips into this fissure.
▼小脑上动脉 主要供应 小脑半球的小脑幕面。
and supplies this tent shaped surface.
▼小脑半球的小脑幕面最上部是 上蚓部。
that has the vermis at the upper side of it.
where it has a series of hairpin turns. It's intertwined with the 4th nerve.
And then it sends its branches down the superior peduncle, then to the dental nucleus, the most common site of cerebellar hemorrhage.
Here we've opened up the lingula of the vermis and the superior medullary velum. And what is this? Facial colliculus.
And what is this bulging up from below? This is nodule bulging up with.
inferior medullary velum.
tela in which the plexus arises stretches around it.
And if we open up a little bit more lateral to the nodule, we'll see through the inferior medullary velum. That is the cranial pole of the tonsils.
▼下髓帆将 小脑绒球 与 蚓部小结 相连,从而构成称为原小脑的绒球小结叶。
The flocculus and the nodule are connected. What connects them?The inferior medullary velum to complete that primitive flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum.
So this is the flocculonodular lobe connected by the paper-thin velum.
And often you see the cranial loop of the PICA looping up between the velum and the tonsil.
▼这个位于扁桃体头部周围的裂隙称为 膜帆扁桃体裂(扁桃体上裂)。
in what we call the telovelotonsilar cleft around the cranial pole of the tonsil.
▼下面来看第二对 神经血管复合体:小脑前下动脉,起自脑桥水平。
And just AICA arises at pontine level.
▼小脑前下动脉 越过 外展神经。
passes by..what nerve? VI.
▼随后小脑前下动脉越过 面神经、以及前庭蜗神经。
Then VII, then VIII.
▼随后深入到的裂隙即所谓的 桥小脑裂 或 桥小脑角。小脑中脚构成桥小脑裂的底。随后,AICA供应小脑岩面的血供。
and then it dips into this cleft that we call the cerebellopontine fissure or angle. In the base of that cleft is the middle cerebellar peduncle. And then it supplies the surface that faces the back of the temporal bone.
Here's VII and VIII.
The AICA is here.
And here's what can happen in hemifacial spasm.You can have an AICA loop down here next to VII at the junction with the brainstem.
Or in about half the cases, the PICA will loop upward under VII and VIII.
and then it'll pass downward and it then passes dorsally some place between IX and the rootlets of XI.
It can be passing dorsal.Here it looks like it's below between X and XI that it passes then dorsally to the nerves. But it can be any place between IX and XI.
▼我们继续来看 桥小脑角区(下图),它是小脑岩面包绕脑桥形成的。
Here we come down now we're looking at the CP angle. here where the petrosal surface folds around the lateral margin of the pons.
▼这是面神经(下图),从桥延沟的外侧端发出,走行于 脉络丛 及 绒球 的稍上方。
And here we see VII arising at the lateral end of the sulcus between the pons and medulla and slightly above the choroidal plexus and flocculus.
▼这是 脉络丛(choroidal plexus)。
▼这是 小脑绒球(flocculus ['flɒkjələs])。
hanging out Luschka.
And if you draw a line along, down along the arch of the IX, X, XI, and project that line up 2 or 3 millimeters, that's where VII enter the brainstem.
at the lateral end of the sulcus between the pons and medulla.
And here we see XII on the front of the olive.
and IX, X, XI arising on the back of the olive.
▼外展神经 从 桥延沟内侧段 发出。
We see VI arises in the medial part of the pontomedullary sulcus.
▼三叉神经 从 脑桥中部 水平发出。
and V arises at mid pontine level.
▼这是桥小脑角的局部观,下图示 Luschka孔。
So, here's just CP angle. Luschka.
You draw a line along the origin of these rootlets, go up 2 or 3 millimeters, and that's where VII enters the brainstem.
in front of VIII.
▼当从下图这个方向进行 绒球下入路时,在舌咽神经后方,向上即可见面神经。
And for the infrafloccular approach you come in this direction, behind IX, you look up and you see VII here.
As the view makes it look like it's below VIII, but it's really in front of VIII.