2022年01月20日发布 | 8542阅读





本文为Rhoton解剖视频中《Navigating the Orbit》这一章节,主要讲解了眼眶的骨性结构、眶内结构、各种眼眶入路等内容。视频时间较长,笔者将部分内容按顺序重新编排,共截取270张图片。




Navigating the orbit


   We're talking about orbit today, but we include adjacent skull base because if a lesion is strictly within the orbit especially the anterior part, those lesions are dealt with predominantly by ophthalmology,


  but neurosurgery becomes involved if a lesion extends to the adjacent skull base,or extends through the optic canal or superior orbital fissure,or involves the bones surrounding the orbit. So,we're often asked not only to deal with the orbital part,but also we get called in because of the involvement of the adjacent skull base.


So that when we look at an orbit,neurosurgery tends to become involved if the lesion extends through the optic canal,or through the superior orbital fissure,or through the adjacent walls from either the sinuses, the frontal,ethmoid and sphenoid sinus.Lesions can also extend from below and involve the maxillary sinus as well as the orbit,


  or as in sphenoid ridge meningiomas, they can involve the lateral orbital wall and extend into the orbit. So, we often get involved when the adjacent areas as well as the orbit is involved.


  Lesions in the orbit can involve temporal fossa,infratemporal fossa,


  or here we see V2, pass below the apex of the orbit, and extend into pterygopalatine fossa,or through the inferior orbital fissure into the orbit.



  But we'll talk in greater detail about the anatomy within the orbit.But here we're looking at orbit from laterally and lesions can extend through the lateral orbital wall. They can access the orbit through the superior orbital fissure or the optic canal, or from the sinus medially,or they can pass upward here in the medial part of the inferior orbital fissure and pterygopalatine fossa up through the fissure into the orbital apex. But, commonly neurosurgery is involved when not only the orbit is involved but the adjacent structure. Also the closer the lesion is to the orbital apex,the more often the neurosurgery becomes involved in dealing with the pathology 


  In looking at orbit, we want to first of all understand the osseous wall of the orbit


  because we're doing osteotomy that will deliver us to the orbit from above,or from medially through the nasal cavity and the sinuses, or laterally through the lateral wall through a lateral orbitotomy, or from inferiorly through the roof of the maxillary sinus which forms the floor of the orbit.


  So we'll start out and talk initially about the walls of the orbit. And, the lesser sphenoid wing forms the posterior part of the roof of the orbit.The greater wing forms a large part of the lateral wall of the orbit.


  And here, sphenoid sinus here that adjoins the ethmoid forms some of the medial wall of the superior orbital fissure. So that we wanna have a good understanding of the osseous anatomy because it's through the bony walls that we access the orbit.


  Here we see foramen rotundum, through which V2 passes to course in the floor of the orbit.


  Here is the vidian canal that transmits the vidian nerve that eventually provides the parasympathetic outflow for the lacrimal gland in the superior lateral orbit.


  So when we look at the orbital apex, superior orbital fissure,optic canal area.


  We wanna see the surrounding bony anatomy, such as the upper part of the greater and anterior part of the lesser wings that contribute to the lateral wall and roof of the orbit, and join the frontal bone here along this yellow area to complete the orbital roof.


  Laterally we want to see the zygomatic articulation with the sphenoid that completes the much of the lateral wall of the orbit.


  And then, we have an articulation with the ethmoid bone that forms much of the medial wall of the orbit, as providing a group...as well as providing a group of air cells through which we can access medial wall of orbit.


  And then, below we have an articulation with the palatine bone that contributes to the formation of the floor of the orbit.



  Laterally here at the superior lateral part of the orbit we have the lateral edge of the sphenoid ridge, and here in this area, the pterion where the frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bone meet here right at the superolateral part of the orbit. So that we start with sphenoid bone.


  So that we add in the ethmoid now.

筛骨的外侧壁即为 眶板

  And the lateral wall of the ethmoid forms the orbit plate.


  And here we see middle turbinate, and then laterally, these ethmoid air cells.


  And if we get in under the middle turbinate here, and open the air cells, we have a route through the nasal cavity and through the lamina papyracea, the lateral ethmoid wall, the medial orbital wall,a route into the medial orbit.


And here we see the ethmoid from above. But here it articulates, and the ethmoid air cells are roofed above by the frontal bone.And then laterally in the ethmoid, lateral to the air cells,we see the orbital plate of the ethmoid that forms the medial wall of the orbit through which we can approach it.

这是筛骨眶板的外侧观上方与额骨相连。后方与蝶骨体外侧部相连,下方与一小部腭骨相连,这里与下方的上颌骨相连,前方与之相连的是泪骨 以及上颌骨的额突。

  Just a lateral view of the orbital plate of the ethmoid. Above it articulates with the frontal bone.Posteriorly it articulates with the lateral part of the sphenoid body.Below it'll articulate with a little bit of the palatine bone.And then below with a maxillary,and anteriorly it'll articulate then with a lacrimal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla. But you wanna see all of these adjacent relationships.


  And the ethmoid air cells can be divided into a anterior group and a posterior group.And that division is right at the posterior part of the attachment of the middle turbinate to the ethmoid.



  And if you go through posterior ethmoid, you end up near orbital apex and in the lateral part of sphenoid sinus.


  If you work through the anterior ethmoid air cells above, you end up along the cribriform plate in the anterior fossa.


  So here we see the ethmoid bone again. It's really two blocks of bone here connected across the midline by the cribriform plate.


  And as the part of it, we have the middle turbinate.


  And if you get in lateral to the middle turbinate, you're into the air cells. And then you can open laterally, through the medial wall of the orbit to complete one of the types of medial orbitotomy.


  And roofing the ethmoid air cells above is the hiatus in the frontal bone 


  frontal bone that forms the orbital roof.


  And here we fit the ethmoid into the ethmoid notch of the frontal bone.


  And here the upper edge of the orbital plate articulates with the frontal bone, and then lateral to that is the orbital roof.


  And then we add in the full maxilla that complete the medial wall and floor or lower part of the orbital rim of the orbit.


  And then we can complete the lateral wall of the orbit,


  by adding a zygomatic bone which forms the anterior part of the lateral wall of the orbit.

下图示 上颌窦顶,其构成眶底。

  And then below we have the roof of the maxillary sinus that forms the floor of the orbit.


  Also, here between maxilla, greater wing of sphenoid and zygomatic bone we have inferior orbital fissure,which we often open into the lateral part of it before doing a lateral orbitotomy or an orbitozygomatic approach.


  we have the orbital process of the palatine bone that forms a small part of the floor of the orbit. And then forming part of the floor of the orbit here adjacent the ethmoidal plate and the posterior part of the floor formed by the maxilla,


  But, here's the part of the the palatine bone, the...


 orbital process that forms the posteromedial part of the orbital floor


  and behind that is the sphenopalatine foramen,through which the branches of the maxillary artery enter the nasal cavity that provide the vascularity for the nasoseptal flap that we use to close skull base.


  But that medial wall below the orbital plate is formed by maxilla.


  But, here's just maxilla


  Here's the natural hiatus in the medial wall of the maxillary sinus  


  palatine bone


  the hiatus that is closed in by palatine bone, by inferior turbinate.


  by this part of the inferior turbinate and also by some of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone to close the maxillary hiatus.


  And then attached along all of this area, is the orbital plate of the ethmoid.

因此,眶由7块颅骨构成。包括 眶顶的额骨(下图),眶外侧壁的蝶骨大翼 和颧骨,眶底则由上颌窦顶构成,眶内侧壁由上颌骨额突、泪骨、筛骨眶板、腭骨眶突构成

  So the orbit is made up of seven bones. We have frontal bone in the roof,the lateral wall formed by greater wing of sphenoid and the zygomatic bone,the floor of the orbit formed by the roof of the maxillary sinus,


  the lateral wall formed by greater wing of sphenoid and the zygomatic bone,


  the floor of the orbit formed by the roof of the maxillary sinus, along which we have the infraorbital groove, canal here ending at the infraorbital foramen along which V2 passes.


  Medially, we have here medial part of orbital rim formed by frontal process of maxilla, and then the lacrimal bone 


  lacrimal bone that articulates with the anterior edge of the orbital plate of the ethmoid, which articulates above with the frontal bone along the frontoethmoidal suture.




  We see the anterior and posterior ethmoidal canals that transmit the anterior and posterior ethmoidal branches of the ophthalmic artery, and the anterior and posterior branches of the ethmoidal nerves.


  Posteriorly, we have the optic canal that passes through the medial part of the lesser wing and the lateral part of the optic canal is formed by the optic strut which extends from the body of the sphenoid to the base of the anterior clinoid.


  Below the ethmoid we have the articulation here with the maxilla.


  And then at the posterior inferior edge,we have the part of the orbital floor formed by the orbital process of the palatine bone.


  And then, along the posterior ethmoid, we have the articulation with the sphenoid body at the anterior edge of the sphenoid sinus in this area.


  So that you wanna see and understand all of these articulations and begin to fit them together with the neuroanatomy. So that, at the orbital apex, we have optic canal, optic strut, anterior clinoid,and superior orbital fissure.


  And surrounding this area we have the annular tendon. The annular tendon is the circular tendon from which the four rectus muscles arise. And the annular tendon surrounds the optic canal and the central part of the superior orbital fissure.



  And the tendon has two parts, a part through which the optic canal and the ophthalmic artery pass,and then the lateral part bordering the fissure is the oculomotor foramen, through which the nerves entering inside and outside the annular tendon pass. 


  Usually there's a small prominence on the lateral wall of the fissure to which the annular tendon attaches.


  Here we have the four rectus muscles,which arise from the annular tendon.superior rectus,

这是 内直肌

  medial rectus

这是 下直肌

  inferior rectus

这是 外直肌  

  lateral rectus

眼动脉视神经均穿行于 视神经管

  And, the ophthalmic artery and optic nerve pass through the optic canal.


  But inside the rectus muscles, you have the intraconal area


  The oculomotor...branches or divisions of the oculomotor nerve, superior and inferior division pass


  along with the abducens nerve,They pass through the annular tendon as does some of the branches of the first trigeminal division. 


  outside the annular tendon at the orbital apex, passes the 4th nerve, the branches of the frontal nerve, the supraorbital and supratrochlear, and then laterally from 1st division you have lacrimal nerve.



另外,眼上静脉眼下静脉 总腱环以外穿出眼眶,但在远侧的眼眶内,上述静脉位于肌锥内,即在四块眼直肌内走行。

  And then the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins run outside the annular tendon as they exit the orbit, but further forward in the orbit these veins come into the intraconal area here between the four rectus muscles.


  We have here superior division of 3rd nerve that supplies levator and superior rectus.

动眼神经下支 支配内直肌、下直肌下斜肌,并内含副交感运动性纤维行至睫状神经节。

   inferior division of 3rd nerve. The inferior division supplies the medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles, as well as giving rise to the motor, parasympathetic root of the ciliary ganglion.


  And then passing through the annular tendon,we have the nasociliary branch of V1 that passes through the annular tendon.

而眼神经发出的额神经泪腺神经 则在总腱环外走行。

  While, the branches of the frontal and the lacrimal nerve pass outside the annular tendon.


  So you wanna think about the structures that pass through the optic canal, and then the group of structures that pass outside the annular tendon, plus have an understanding of the structures that pass through the oculomotor foramen, part of the annular tendon.



