松果体(pineal gland or epiphysis cerebri ) 是一小的、灰红色器官,位于两侧上丘之间的凹陷内,胼胝体压部的下方, 被第三脑室脉络组织及大脑静脉分隔。
A.= artery; A.C.A.= anterior cerebral artery; Ant. = anterior; Bas. = basilar; Cale. = calcarine;Car. = carotid; Cent. = central; Cer. = cerebral, cerebellar; Cer. Mes. =cerebellomesencephalic; Chor. = choroidal; Cing. = cingulate; Cist. =cistern; CN = cranial nerve; Coll. = colliculus; dup. = duplicate; Fiss. =fissure; For.= foramen (of); Gyr. = gyrus; Hem.= hemispheric; Inds.=incisural; Inf. = inferior; Int. = internal; lnterpos. = interpositum; M.C.A. =middle cerebral artery; Med. = medial, medullary; Mid. = middle; Occip. =occipital; P.C.A. = posterior cerebral artery; P. Comm. = posterior communicating; Par. = parietal; Parahippo. = parahippocampal; Ped. =peduncle; Pericall. = pericallosal; Post. = posterior; Quad. =quadrigeminal, quadrangular; S.C.A. = superior cerebellar artery; Sag.=sagittal; Str. = straight; Sulc. = sulcus; Sup. = superior; Sylv. = sylvian;Temp. = temporal; Tent. = tentorium, tentorial; V. = vein (of); Vel. =velum; Vent.= ventricle; Verm. = vermian. (Images courtesy of ALRhoton, Jr.)
松果体由脉络组织下层包被, 该层再由腺体折返至中脑顶盖。
松果体长约8mm , 底部朝前,连着松果体脚, 脚分为上、下两层, 由第三脑室松果体隐窝隔开,其内分别含有后连合与缰连合。散在的连合纤维可能进入松果体,但不终止于附近的松果体细胞。
在腺体内, 动脉分支形成有孔毛细血管,毛细血管的内皮细胞的基板很薄,有的不连续。毛细血管回流入多条松果体静脉,这些静脉开口于大脑内静脉和(或)大脑大静脉。
Midline (A and B) and right paramedian (C and D) infratentorial supracerebellar microsurgical and endoscopic approaches to the pineal gland. A: Microsurgical midline approach to the pineal gland. Opening the quadrigeminal cistern exposes the superior vermian, internal occipital, basal, and internal cerebral veins and the vein of Galen. The superior vermian vein may need to be retracted or sacrificed to expose the pineal region in a midline approach. B: Endoscopic midline approach. C: Microsurgical right paramedian approach to the pineal gland. The pineal gland and the superior and inferior colliculi can be exposed between the superior vermian and the internal cerebral veins without venous sacrifice. The off-midline views of the gland open the viewing angle between the large veins around the gland. D: Endoscopic paramedian approach. The pineal gland can be exposed between the galenic tributaries. Retracting the cerebellum can provide access to the superior and inferior colliculi. Coll. = collicular, colliculus; Med. = medial; Tent. = tentorial, tentorium. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)
Right lateral (A and B), and far-lateral (C and D) infratentorial supracerebellar microsurgical and endoscopic approaches to the pineal gland. A: Microsurgical right lateral approach to the pineal gland. Note that the off-midline approaches permit exposure between the hemispheric veins emptying into the tentorial sinuses at a superficial level and anterior to the superior vermian vein at the level of the vein of Galen. B: Endoscopic lateral approach. C: Microsurgical right far-lateral approach to the pineal gland. The farther laterally the approach moves, the wider the approach between the superior vermian and internal cerebral veins becomes. D: Endoscopic far-lateral approach. Cer. = cerebral; Cer. Mes. = cerebellomesencephalic; Coll. = collicular, colliculus; Tent.= tentorial, tentorium. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)
松果体是一个具有重要调节功能的内分泌腺, 调节腺垂体、神经垂体、胰腺内分泌部、甲状旁腺、肾上腺皮质、肾上腺髓质和性腺的活动。
从20 岁起,钙沉积物积聚在松果体细胞外基质内,集中沉积处为"脑砂(corpora arenacea or brain sand) "。