▼关于经胼胝体入路,我们常作这样的骨瓣,三分之一位于冠状缝后方,三分之二位于冠状缝前方。利用这一 桥静脉相对稀疏 的区域,
The veins at the front of the sinus tend to be directed backwards.
As you go progressively posterior, the veins entering the sinus take on a progressively forward curve before entering the sinus,A number of textbooks say go one third in front,two thirds in back for the bone flap.But here you see that there's...you often get into this area where there's venous lacuna,large bridging veins. So,one third back, two thirds forward is better.
▼因此,三分之一位于冠状缝后方,三分之二位于冠状缝前方 更为妥当。
▼这是穹窿、丘脑。这就是经穹窿带切开的 经脉络裂入路。
Here's the lower layer of tela.
▼位于第三脑室前壁的是 前连合(下图)。
What is...here in anterior wall of the third? Anterior commissure.
▼再往下是 终板(下图)。
And then below it, lamina terminalis.
▼这是 视交叉隐窝
And this recess? Chiasmatic recess
▼这是 视交叉后缘。
▼这是 漏斗隐窝。
What recess? Infundibular recess
▼这是 乳头体。
And we do third ventriculostomy.We go behind the mamillary bodies in this area.Yes? No.We go in front.
▼从矢状位来看 第三脑室底的这个区域。
Well, if you look at this area below the floor of the third in this area,
▼这是 乳头体。
here are mamillary bodies.
▼这是 基底动脉尖部
So if you go back here, you get into basilar apex,
▼这是 脚间窝
interpeduncular fossa,
▼这是 丘脑穿支动脉
thalamoperforating arteries
▼这是 中脑
▼这是 动眼神经核
3rd nerve nuclei.
▼因此需在其前方,即在乳头体和漏斗隐窝之间 进行 三脑室底造瘘术。
So you always want to go forward here between mamillary bodies and infundibular recess, through this area for third ventriculostomy.
▼这是 动眼神经
What is this?3rd nerve
▼这是 大脑后动脉 P1段
This is..P1,
▼这是大脑后动脉 P2段
▼这是 脚池
crural cistern
▼这是 环池
ambient cistern.
Now, the one situation where it's easy to get in to the...through the fornix in the midline to do an interforniceal approach,
And that makes it easy to do an interforniceal approach that comes through then, through the body of the fornix here, behind the foramen of Monro. So that's one situation where we are now using interforniceal approach instead of coming through the choroidal fissure.
▼接下来我们还是要重点讨论脉络裂的解剖。 我们应该在Monro孔后方、穹窿侧的B点 打开脉络裂。
Now we're gonna work our way around the fissure. And...here were foramen of Monro. And we're gonna open the fissure, are we going to open the fissure behind the foramen at A or B?At B on the forniceal side.
So we work our way back along the fissure,fornix,thalamus.
We come back to the quadrigeminal cistern.
▼这是 脉络膜后内侧动脉
What arteries? Medial posterior choroidal,
▼这是 Galen静脉(大脑大静脉)
vein of Galen.
We're looking...we've opened...we let the choroid plexus always go with the thalamus. and internal capsule. And as you work directly medial and come around the fissure, we see the...basal vein
▼这是 大脑内静脉
internal cerebral vein
▼这是 Galen静脉
vein of Galen.
▼而就在此处脉络裂的内侧,可见松果体(下图)。以上就是经脉络裂 至 四叠体池 入路
And right in this area directly medial to the fissure, you see the pineal. So this is an approach through the choroidal fissure,to the quadrigeminal cistern.
▼现在需要在侧脑室房部用到此入路的情况,是当我们处理侧脑室房部的血管畸形、脑膜瘤,或 脉络丛肿瘤。因此这就是经侧脑室房部 脉络裂入路暴露四叠体池。
The only time that we're coming through this route from the atrium is it for dealing with lesions and the glomus like AVMs or meningeomas in the atrium, or choroid plexus tumors. So, this will be a transchoroidal approach from the atrium to the quadrigeminal cistern.
▼脉络丛肿瘤 其由 脉络膜动脉(下图) 供血并引流于 脉络膜静脉。
that are fed by choroidal arteries and drained by choroidal veins.
▼对于侧脑室房部的暴露,我们也可经由大脑半球的内侧面。这是 距状沟 calcarine sulcus
Usually for atrium, we'll either come in through the medial surface of the hemisphere. And here we see...what sulcus?
▼这是 顶枕沟。
▼这是 舌回
This is lingual gyrus ,
▼位于距状沟和顶枕沟之间的脑叶是 楔叶。这是下象限视野的投射区。
and between calcarine and parieto-occipital sulcus, we call that... cuneus. That's lower visual field.
▼位于顶枕沟前方的是 楔前叶。
And then this area in front of parieto-occipital area is precuneus.
▼再从后方看一下枕叶内侧,这是 距状沟
calcarine sulcus
▼这是 顶枕沟
parieto-occipital sulcus
▼这是 楔前叶,其位于视野投射区的前方,
▼Yassagil发明了 楔前叶入路。可经由楔前叶进入 侧脑室房部。
So that Yassagil is giving us this precuneus approach. you can come through precuneus to atrium.
Also this parieto-occipital sulcus cuts deeply into the medial surface of the hemisphere and you can open it and come...
▼这一侧是 楔叶
this is cuneus side
▼这一侧是 楔前叶
precuneus side
▼我们可打开前方的 楔前叶 进入 侧脑室房部。
You can open through this anterior wall to precuneus side into the atrium,
▼这是侧脑室房部的 脉络球。但我们不能打开 顶枕沟的楔叶侧。
Or you can come through the lateral margin of the corpus callosum here, just in this area to the atrium.
▼这属于经胼胝体入路 至侧脑室房部。
That will be considered a transcallosal approach.
▼然而最常用的入路还是经由 顶上小叶 或顶间沟。下图示 顶上小叶 superior parietal lobule。
But probably the most common approach is to come through the superior parietal lobule or the interparietal sulcus.
▼下图示 顶间沟
interparietal sulcus
And that interparietal sulcus cuts deeply into the hemisphere. And you can open through it into the atrium,
▼下图示 打开后的 侧脑室房部
▼尽管我认为更常用的还是经顶上小叶 入路。
▼现在来看松果体区的入路,下图示 松果体
But for approaches to the pineal region,
we either come above, or below the tentorium. In general, I will say surgeons operating on adults prefer to come above the tent, pediatric neurosurgeons tend to use the infratentorial approaches more commonly.
▼来看看松果体区,这是 上丘、下丘。
And here we're looking at pineal region, superior, inferior colliculi, 4th nerve.
▼这是 滑车神经
And if you come over the apex of the vermis, it's difficult to get down below the inferior colliculus, along the collicular plate down to the 4th nerve.
▼但如果采用旁正中入路, 将更轻易地暴露小脑中央前裂,也称为 小脑中脑裂(下图)。
But if you come paramedian off the midline, it's easier to get low in this precentral cerebellar fissure or we call it cerebello-midbrain fissure.
▼这是正中入路。经小脑蚓尖上方的暴露。下图示 蚓上静脉。
So here's the median approach over the apex of the vermis. Superior vermian vein.
▼这是 基底静脉
Here is basal vein
▼这是 大脑内静脉
internal cerebral vein
▼这是 小脑上动脉
Superior cerebellar artery
▼这是 大脑后动脉
posterior cerebral artery
And coming over the apex of the vermis you can see the pineal.
▼这是 脉络膜后内侧动脉
Medial posterior choroidal.
You can see this superior but usually not the inferior colliculus.
You can open the velum interpositum and work forward from here all the way to the foramen of Monro using this suprapineal velum interpositum approach.
But if you want to come lower on the midbrain below the inferior colliculus to the area of the 4th nerve, then you can come off of the apex of the vermis
▼下图示 滑车神经
▼下图示 小脑蚓尖部
▼经旁正中入路 可暴露 四叠体池、丘板、滑车神经
and do a paramedian approach that gives you quadrigeminal cistern, collicular plate, 4th nerve,
▼这是 大脑脚
here's the cerebral peduncle.
▼这是 脚池后部 以及 环池
this is gonna be...what cistern in here? It gives you back end of the crural and ambient cistern
▼经由此幕下入路,可通往 四叠体池
leading back to the quadrigeminal cistern using this infratentorial approach.
The other route to this area is occipital transtentorial. And if you look at the area of the saggital sinus below the lambdoid suture, there are no bridging veins to the sinus.
The veins posteriorly are directed forward and usually there are no bridging veins to the posterior 6 centimeters of the saggital sinus.
So that we can retract the occipital lobe, here we're on the tent, pineal
▼随后可贴着直窦 切开天幕
And then we can divide the tent adjacent to straight sinus, and gain this exposure of quadrigeminal cistern, pineal, superior colliculus.
▼从而暴露 四叠体池
You also have ambient,
and a little bit of crural cistern in this area.
And it also gives you access above the vein of Galen, to corpus callosum using this occipital transtentorial approach
And here we've divided the tent, occipital lobe, falx.
And an approach that I've used for meningeomas of the tentorial apex is after dividing the tent, to divide the posterior falx that gives you access to the tentorial apex.
And then you can divide the controlateral half of the tent, persevering the venous connections here into the straight sinus. You can deal with tumors here, in the area of the tentorial apex.
And if you're on the side of a nondominant transverse sinus, you can divide that transverse sinus, and do a combined supra-infratentorial exposure, then, of the area above and below the tent.