前篇《Head and Neck Anatomy》(可点击浏览)我们学习了头颈部解剖,本篇在前篇基础上介绍颈静脉孔区 耳后经颞入路,其为处理颈静脉孔区病变最常用的入路。笔者学习后在标本上尝试发现该入路可方便地寻找面神经,降低面神经的损伤几率,并可保留迷路等优点。本文的讲述者是Jon Robertson教授。共118张图片。
The Postauricular Transtemporal Approach to the Jugular Foramen
▼本集视频将展示颈静脉孔区手术入路,以及一则左侧颈静脉球瘤的病例分享,并同步结合尸头解剖,详解颈静脉孔区手术入路 解剖要点。
This spansentation, to illustrate the approaches to thejugular foramen surgically, includes a case spansentation of a left glomus jugularetumor with surgical footage of the case itself, as well as a cadaver dissection that demonstrates the specific anatomical landmarks inthe approach to the jugular foramen region.
Surgical accesses to the jugular foramen is difficult because of its deep location and surrounding neurovascular structures blocking its exposure, such as the internal carotid artery anteriorly, the facial nerve laterally, and vertebral artery inferior to the posteromedial marginof the jugular foramen.
Therefore skull base lesions of jugular foramen should be approached as a surgical anatomist would to spanserve the complex neurovascular structures of this region.
Rhoton has categorized approaches to the jugular foramen into three groups, a lateral group directed through the mastoid bone, this will be the postauricular transtemporal approach, a posterior group directed through the posterior fossa, this will include a retrosigmoid, or a more extensive far lateral or transcondylar variant approach, and finally an anterior group of approachs directed through the tympanic bone, this will be the spanauricular subtemporal infratemporal fossa approach or variations of that. In each of these approaches, a neck dissection can be included as needed to manage the specific pathology that one is dealing with.
The goal of this video is to demonstrate the surgical anatomy of the postauricular transtemporal approach to the jugular foramen region. Combined with a neck dissection, this is the most common surgical approach chosen for management of lesions involved in the jugular foramen.
The labyrinth is usually spanserved in the exposure,
but depending on the pathology, the surgical field may be extended anteriorly by transposing the facial nerve and sacrificing the middle ear structures and external auditory canal, or medially by removal of the labyrinth or cochlea.
We're viewing the inferior aspect of the right skull base in the region of the jugular foramen. The postauricular transtemporal approach combined with a neck dissection allows a 270 degree exposure of the jugular foramen at the skull base.
This would include anteriorly exposing the internal carotid artery to the level of the carotid canal,
laterally, the styloid process, and the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen,
and posteriorly, the full extent of the rectus capitis lateralis muscle's attachment to the posterior margin of the jugular foramen, which respansents the jugular process of the occipital bone.
The case that we're spansenting for illustration of the technique is that of a 65-year-old lady who spansented with pulsatile tinnitus, normal lower cranial nerve and facial nerve function, her hearing was also intact on the left side. Neuro-diagnostic studies included MR scan as well as CT scan revealing a 3-cm glomus jugulare tumor
with destruction of the mastoid bone primarily and the region of the jugular bulb by the glomus jugulare tumor.
The cerebroangiogram demonstrated significant blood supply from both the left external and vertebral arteries, typical of a glomus jugulare tumor. There was no blood supply to the tumor from the internal carotid artery at the skull base.
Preoperatively the patient underwent embolization the day prior to surgery.
The patient was placed on supine position with an ipsilateral shoulder roll, and the head turned away from the surgeon. The postauricular area is exposed along a C-shaped incision.
Our cadaver dissection begins with the sharp dissection of the sternocleidomastoid muscle from the mastoid tip. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is carefully mobilized posteriorly.
Care is taken to spanserve the accessory cranial nerve, which enters the posteromedial aspect of the superior sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the tip of the C1 transverse process.
This Rhoton dissection shows the relationship of the anatomy of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the posterior belly of digastric, facial nerve, and styloid process. These anatomical structures are viewed clearly in this particular dissection because the parotid gland has been removed.
Aspecific anatomy to be noted in this view is the facial nerve exiting the stylomastoid foramen immediately anterior to the posterior belly of the digastric attached to the digastricgroove.
Also note the styloid process can be seen clearly, and the facial nerve exiting the stylomastoid foramen along the posterolateral margin of the styloid process.
Note also in this view the accessory nerve crossing the anterior margin of the jugular vein to enter the posteromedial aspect of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
The posterior belly of the digastric has been mobilized with a right angle, and isolated with application of a vascular loop.
The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is sharply dissected from the digastric groove of the mastoid tip and mobilized inferiorly.
Removal of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle from the digastric groove allows the exposure of the facial never at the stylomastoid foramen.
▼同时也可触及 茎突及三块附于其上的茎突肌群。
This also allows palpation of the styloid process and three small muscles attached to the process.
Stylomastoid foramen is found at the posterolateral margin of the styloid process base.
The parotid gland must be mobilized anteriorly, until expose the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen.
In this view, the stylohyoid muscle has been retracted to expose the styloid process.
The muscles attached to the styloid process are sharply dissected. Here the stylohyoid muscle has been reflected inferiorly along with the posteriorbelly of the digastric muscle.
The soft tissue is carefully dissected to expose the facial nerve as it enters the stylomastoid foramen, along the posterolateral aspect of the styloid base.