2021年08月23日发布 | 4290阅读






这是 下鼻甲

inferior turbinate


the middle turbinate is pulled medially, so this is all middle meatus.


So coming through this area after the ethmoidectomy and drilling out the frontal sinus,you can do an osteotomy around this area. 


And here we see the cribriform plate area,You can do an osteotomy around this area. Here's the olfactory mucosa sitting just below the cribriform plate.


Here's the olfactory mucosa spanserved.


The anterior ethmoidal arteries.you wanna take those if you're gonna sacrifice some a little bit medial toward the olfactory mucosa, because there're some cases where they were divided laterally and retracted into the orbit and cause significant orbital hematomas.

筛前动脉 放大观。通常可见与筛动脉伴行的筛前神经(为眼神经的分支。分布于鼻尖)进入鼻腔。 

Here are the ethmoidal arteries and nerves. And always that companies the ethmoidal arteries there,these little ethmoidal nerves to the nose.


And here we've completed the dissection on one side. The olfactory bulbs.


You have to divide the falx if you're going to open this area above. 


So, the falx is divided,


so this is the approach to anterior fossa.aided by the removal of that ethmoidal labyrinth.You can work back to the area of the sella.


There're few cases now where the olfactory mucosa has been spanserved attached to the bulbs and folded downward during removal of the pathology and then the closure is done. So that, this mucosa is still in the roof of the nasal cavity attached to the bulbs and olfaction has been spanserved. But I think that's difficult.


We're going to talk about transsphenoidal approach. And I started doing transsphenoidal approach coming sub-labial, under the lip, and then I switched the approach to coming along the nasal septum under the mucosa, between the septum. And then I realized, as I looked up the nostril with a microscope, I can see, medial to the turbinates, lateral to the septum, directly to the face of the sphenoid, and I started doing this direct endonasal approach, where we don't disturb any of the septum.


Well, when I started doing this direct endonasal approach, we just...we came through the nostril. We didn't strip up any mucosa on the side of the septum and we went with a speculum directly to the face of the sphenoid.


So that, if you look from above through the cribriform plate, this is the septum.


We place the speculum along one side of the septum. And then, we just crack some of the septum, the packed part, off of the face of the sphenoid,


just below the sphenoid ostia. And the part that's separated is only about a centimeter and a half in height


And then, we open the sphenoid sinus and the best guide to the midline is this crest on the face of the sphenoid.


And these specula, when you put them in, well, they open actually...the blades can separate as much as 3 or 4 cm,but you only want to open them wide enough. Here, in this area, the optic canals are only separated by about 2.5 cm. So that, you don't wanna open them much wider than 2 cm, or else you can get fractures into the optic canal,

如今我们会使用影像导航系统,然而在实际手术开始后,如果影像导航系统提示这个位于蝶窦前壁、蝶窦开口下方的骨嵴偏离了中线,那通常是影像系统出了问题。中线的最佳参照物总是这一骨嵴,此处是筛板垂直板以及犁骨附着在蝶窦前壁的部位。 它是定位蝶窦中线的最佳标志。

Today we often use image guidance,but by the time you get the drapes and the fiducials on, if you look at your image guidance, and it says to you, this spike on the face of the sphenoid, below the sphenoid ostia, if it says that's off the midline, it's usually your image guidance that is off. This is just virtually always directly in the midline. It's the best guide to the midline of the sphenoid sinus.  in this area here at the orbital apex. And the best guide to the midline is always this crest medial to the maxillary sinuses where the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and the vomer attach to the front of the sphenoid


And as you look into the nasal cavity, the biggest obstacle to getting into the sphenoid sinus near the midline is the posterior part of the middle turbinate.


It bulges over, and it tends to deflect the speculum to the opposite side, and if you get caught on this crest on the face of the sphenoid and open the speculum, it's little more than a centimeter over to that optic nerve and the optic canal. So you always want to push this posterior part of the middle turbinate laterally. Some surgeons resect it, but I've never resected that in a transsphenoidal approach. But you want to get the blades of the speculum positioned in these lateral gutters on each side with the crest on the face of the sphenoid directly in the midline.


And then, once you come to the sphenoid sinus, for years I've watched people opened the sinus, take out the mucosa in the sinus, but if you remove that mucosa, you have dura next to the air raided sinus, or bone directly facing the sinus.Usually when we do a transsphenoidal procedure, we take out the tumor, close the anterior sella wall, and leave the sinus open to drain into the nose.


If you pull out the mucosa, and look in 6 weeks later, you don't have that normal ciliary action in the mucosa that sweeps mucus and other product out of the sphenoid ostia.  And you look in 6 weeks later, if there's no mucosa in the sinus, and there's granulation tissue, pars, mucus, often the patients complaint of it, feel smelling odor. While, if you leave the mucosa intact, just open it on the face of the sphenoid, and on the anterior sella wall, and look in 6 weeks later, the sinus looks perfectly normal. But if you take it out, it's just...it looks like granulation tissue.


And when I started doing this direct approach, we came to the face of the sphenoid here. And then we removed the tumor. We not strip up any mucosa here on the septum. And I was packing the nose initially. And I ask myself, what am I packing when I...after I close the sella why do I pack the nasal cavity? I'm not trying to put any mucosa back in place.But the reason I was packing to spanserve bleeding.


And the most common side of postoperative bleeding after transsphenoidal surgery are these branches of the maxillary artery that come through the pterygopalatine fossa and supply the nasal septum.

因此,如果术者止血彻底, 尤其针对这些侧方的沟槽内,一旦封闭了蝶鞍,就没有必要进行填塞。关闭蝶鞍,保留蝶窦黏膜,即可取出扩张器,结束手术。不用填塞的前提就是止血彻底,尤其在蝶腭孔处(下图)。

So that if you get good hemostasis in this area, in these later gutters, once you close the sella, there's no need for packing. You close the sella, you leave all the mucosa you can in the sphenoid sinus, and then you can pull out the speculum, you're done with the procedure. There's no need for packing if you have good hemostasis here at the sphenopalatine foramen.


Here we see the inferior, middle, superior turbinate, and a suspanme turbinate. in the lateral margin of the exposure.


If we remove that, the upper turbinates, we see the medial wall of the maxillary sinus,


and the orbit in this area.


If we move laterally, we're into maxillary sinus, orbit.


Here, along the sphenoid sinus, along the floor, we see the vidian nerve.


In the lateral wall we see V2


becoming the infraorbital nerve.


And as we move laterally, we're into orbit.

再来看看左侧 蝶窦

Here we're looking at the sphenoid sinus.


We see vidian nerve below.


Here is pterygopalatine fossa.


And, always, the carotid arteries bulge forward of the anterior sella wall. And, if we come in off the midline, the first prominence we often see is the carotid artery. So, even if you're using the microscope and the speculum, in order to make sure that the opening directly ahead of you is not carotid artery, it's a good thing to have the endoscope available and to make sure that the prominence that you're looking at is the sella directly in the midline. With the endoscope, you can always identify the carotid prominences that are off the midline. 


And if you're gonna go through a pterygoid process by, here we are again, middle meatus


right in this area.And then you start to elevate that mucosa,


right in this area.And then you start to elevate that mucosa,


and here we see the sphenpalatine artery at the foramen.


And you enlarge that opening, and here we have pterygoid process of sphenoid,


maxillary artery


sphenpalatine artery


vidian nerve


V2 at rotundum.


And you can enlarge that opening, then, it's better if you can do this all submucosally,


to get into the base of the pterygoid process


that can be drilled away to widen the exposure to give you access to the clivus.


But for closure, here we're looking at the nasal septum, upper part supplied by ethmoidal arteries,


lower part, larger part, the greatest part by the sphenpalatine arteries.


And these flaps can be very large, and include most of the nasal mucosa on one side.


You have to spanserve that arterial supply. You wanna spanserve the area of the olfactory mucosa.


And, these flaps can be used to close large defects in anterior fossa


or clivus anterior fossa, or downward in clivus. 

黏膜辦的取材来源有 鼻中隔(下图)以外,我们也可将黏膜辦向下延伸至硬腭。

these flaps also in addition to including the nasal septum,they can extend down across the hard palate,



to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity, up under the inferior turbinate. So, this extended flap along the palate up laterally under the inferior turbinate, gives a huge flap for aiding in these closures.


Maxilla can be used as a route to wide areas of skull base.

这里显露的是 眶下神经

Here we're looking at the maxilla below the infraorbital nerve.


And you can do a lower subtotal maxillotomy. It's a procedure that was popularized by Prof. Robinson.I wouldn't say popularized but it's not a common procedure, but it's a great procedure for accessing skull base.You can just deglove the maxilla, no incision on the face. And then you do a maxillotomy below the infraorbital nerve, come through the palate and gives you infratemporal, 


pterygopalatine fossa


Here we see nasal mucosa.


You can retract that mucosa,  work medially along C1, C2, lower clivus.


And it gives you access to infratemporal, pterygopalatine fossa,


nasal cavity,upper cervical, clivus.


You can get to the...through the clivus, you can get to the sella,


or the anterior fossa using this lower maxillotomy approach.

涉及上颌骨的另一入路是 上部上颌骨切开入路,可由此暴露中颅窝,于眶底下方(下图)切开上颌骨

Another approach involving maxillotomy that you can access also middle fossa is the upper maxillotomy where maxilla is opened below floor of orbit, 


above the alveolar ridge,

其暴露范围可至 颞下窝、翼腭窝、鼻腔

and it gives you access to infratemporal,  pterygopalatine,  the nasal cavity.




