2021年05月25日发布 | 8811阅读





在The Rhoton Collection解剖视频中,Rhoton教授将颞骨解剖分为三部分进行讲解:1.中颅窝部分;2.后颅窝部分;3.乳突部分。本篇为第一部分(中颅窝部分)。由于笔者近日正在制作岩尖切除技术学习笔记,其中涉及的颞骨岩尖解剖部分,读者可以提前通过本篇文章进行复习。


Navigating the Temporal Bone, Part 1


This lecture will review the approaches to the temporal bone as seen through the middle and posterior fossa and from laterally through the mastoid. We'll begin with the approaches through the middle fossa.

颞骨底面观。颞骨分为5部分,这是颞骨的鳞部(squamosal part [skwə'məʊsl] 下图)。其构成中颅窝底及外侧壁。

What part of temporal bone is this?forms floor of middle fossa, lateral wall of middle fossa? Anyone?  Squamosal part.

后面的是乳突部(mastoid part ['mæstɔɪd] 下图)。

Posteriorly is mastoid part.

内侧为颞骨岩部(Petrous part ['petrəs] 下图)。

  Petrous part, medially.

这是鼓室部 (tympanic [tɪm'pænɪk]),其构成了下颌窝的后壁,以及外耳道的前下缘。

Tympanic part here from the back wall of the condylar (mandibular) fossa, and the lower and anterior margin of the external canal.

这是下颌窝(mandibular  fossa [mæn'dɪbjʊlə])

第5部分是茎突部(styloid part  ['staɪlɔɪd])。

And the 5th part is the styloid part.

接下来,我们从后方观察颞骨,最前方这个压迹是三叉神经压迹(trigeminal despanssion)

So that, if we look from the back of this temporal bone, what is this despanssion?Trigeminal despanssion.

这是三叉神经突起 (trigeminal prominence)

and this is trigeminal prominence

这是内听道顶部的内听道压迹(meatal despanssion ['mi:tl])

This is meatal despanssion above the internal acoustic meatus. (meatus [mɪ'eɪtəs]道; 口; 管)

随后是 弓状隆起 (arcuate eminence )

and then... arcuate eminence, ['a:kjʊɪt] [ˈemɪnəns]

这块区域是 鼓室盖(tegment ['teɡment])。

and this area is... tegment.

这是中颅窝底。我们将硬膜剥除至岩骨嵴( petrous ridge  下图)。

We're looking at floor of middle fossa. We peel the dura back to the petrous ridge.

从内向外,依次有三叉神经压迹 (trigeminal imspanssion)

So, as we look at middle fossa,medially, you have trigeminal imspanssion

随后是下图的三叉神经突起(trigeminal prominence)

and then there rises up to a prominence that we call a trigeminal prominence

随后再次凹陷,恰位于内听道的上方,故称之为内听道压迹(meatus despanssion)。

and then it sinks down again into an imspanssion above the internal acoustic meatus. We call this the meatus despanssion

此后再次凸出形成弓状隆起(arcuate eminence)

And then it rises up back the arcuate eminence.


And lateral to the arcuate eminence is this paper-thin bone,that we call it tegment.

鼓室盖 构成外耳道、鼓室、乳突窦的顶壁。

下图示外耳道顶壁(external canal)

And it roofs the external canal, the tympanic cavity, and the mastoid antrum.

下图示鼓室顶壁(tympanic cavity)

下图示乳突窦的顶壁(the mastoid antrum  ['æntrəm] 窦)


All sit below this paper-thin bone that is the most common site of spontaneous or postmastoid leaks into the middle ear.

此处为岩浅大神经(GSPN  greater superficial petrosal nerve)。其下方为 颈内动脉(carotid artery)。通常情况下,三叉神经外侧的颈内动脉管壁有骨质覆盖,然而在大约15%的病例中,位于三叉神经外侧、颈内动脉上方的骨质会呈开裂状。 

And here we see the...greater petrosal nerve, and under it is the...carotid artery. Usually the carotid lateral to the trigeminal nerve is covered by bone,but in about 15 percent of cases, there'll be a dehiscent bone over the carotid artery lateral to the trigeminal nerve.


Where is the cochlea...everyone? At b here,

耳蜗在岩大神经离开膝状神经节(geniculate ganglion)的后方。

Cochlea is in back of the greater petrosal nerve just distal to where it exits the geniculate ganglion([dʒə'nɪkjʊlɪt] ['ɡæŋɡlɪrn]).

实际手术中,我们常抬起硬膜,从上往下看,这是岩浅大神经(greater petrous nerve)

So at surgery we're usually elevating this dura and looking at it up side down. And, there we see the greater petrous nerve

Kawase三角(Kawase's triangle 下图)

三叉神经压迹(trigeminal despanssion)

三叉神经突起(trigeminal prominence)

内听道压迹(meatal despanssion)

弓状隆起(arcuate eminence)

这是外耳道(external canal)


But if you look at the external canal here,at side down it, that's gonna be almost directly in a line with the internal acoustic meatus.


The other way of deciding how to drill out the internal acoustic meatus is to take and create an angle between the greater petrous and the... arcuate eminence.That angle is usually about 120 degrees.And then you bisect that angle,


and you lock the retractor on top of the petrous ridge, and you begin drilling here,

现在我们就从内听道口(porus ['pɒrəs])磨向底部(fundus  ['fʌndəs]基底)。神经位于该处以下很深的地方,但周围管腔的空间也很大,而越靠近内听道底,神经越表浅,磨骨时也须万分谨慎。

So we drill now from porus to fundus. above the porus which is deep,but wide with lots of room around the nerves to the fundus where the nerve is going to be very superficial, but the drilling is going to be very tight.





So as coming through the middle fossa, you can drill out three approaches. one through the petrous apex, one to the internal acoustic means,the other drill out the labyrinth and do an extended middle fossa approach.

接下来我们看到的就是,在内听道内侧进行的前岩骨切除术(岩前入路,Kawase入路)(anterior petrosectomy approach)

So, here we've now drilled out medial to the meatus, the anterior petrosectomy approach


down to the clivus and the inferior petrosal sinus.


We see the AICA,the 6th nerve medially,in the anterior petrosectomy approach.

这根神经是外展神经(abducens nerve)[æb'dju:sənz]

This is what nerve...passes under Gruber's ligament? That's 6th


这是滑车神经( trochlear nerve) ['trɒklɪə]

动眼神经(oculomotor nerve) [ˌɒkjʊlə'moʊtə] 


running above it...PCom

小脑上动脉(superior cerebellar artery)

小脑前下动脉 AICA 

现在,我们可以经眶颧开颅、经中颅底 行 内听道入路,或者行岩前入路。


Now, you can expose this area from middle fossa through an OZ for just going to the middle fossa approach to the meatus, or the anterior petrosectomy.

We can do a temporal craniotomy, centered above the posterior root of the zygoma.



We elevate the dura and here we see...greater petrosal.


Now when we're exposing the triangles in the cavernous sinus, we peel this dura backwards.But if you're peeling from front to back to the greater petrosal, it's easy to get under the nerve and avulse it.


So when we want to expose this area and the greater petrosal,we get in posteriorly.We elevate this dura forward,and usually that dura peels up off of the greater petrosal nerve.

还有约16%的病例,在三叉神经侧方掀开硬膜即可发现膝状神经节(GG, geniculate ganglion)裸露在中颅底。

And in about 16 percent of cases,lateral to the trigeminal,we see the...geniculate ganglion exposed under the dura in the floor of middle fossa.  

geniculate [dʒə'nɪkjʊlɪt] 膝状弯曲的


下图示 面神经迷路段(labyrinthine segment)

And not only as the ganglion exposed but you see some of the...what segment? Labyrinthine [ˌlæbə'rɪnθɪn], and here...tympanic segment exposed under the dura.So you wanna be very careful in this area.

下图示 面神经鼓室段(tympanic segment) [tɪm'pænɪk]


If you're going to do just an approach to the internal acoustic meatus, we can often save the middle meningeal artery, which does sends some blood supply to the facial nerve. But for drilling out the anterior petrosectomy, we usually need to sacrifice the middle meningeal artery. 


The two most common approaches that we take to this area are either...the approach to the internal acoustic meatus,


bisecting this angel between the greater petrosal and arcuate eminence that overlies the superior canal.


And we begin drilling at the petrous ridge and work toward the fundus.


For the anterior petrosectomy, we drill medially under the trigeminal nerve, down to the side of the clivus.



And here we've opened the meatus working from porus to fundus.

这是面神经(facial nerve)

And this is...what nerve?Facial,

这是蜗神经(cochlear nerve)


intermedius that can be made up of as many as four bundles,

这是前庭上神经(superior vestibular nerve)

这是前庭下神经(inferior vestibular nerve)


And this just shows you at the fundus how close the cochlea and the vestibule are.


下图示 前庭(vestibule[ˈvestɪbju:l])


Facial nerve,superior vestibular,cochlear,inferior vestibular,


this is Bill's bar

这是 水平嵴(transverse crest)


So the anterior petrosectomy approach,we drill medially to the porus,behind the greater petrosal nerve.The carotid, if you drill this bone, you find it just under the the greater petrous nerve.


You drill under the superior petrosal sinus,down under the third trigeminal division,to the side of the clivus,Along the inferior petrosal sinus.


And then you open the temporal dura,and divide the superior petrosal sinus,and then you divide the tent. 



You open the temporal dura,and elevate the temporal lobe,always taking care to spanserve...Labbe


And then we divide the tent,taking care to spanserve...the 4th nerve at the medial edge.



And it gives you this approach to the anterolateral brainstem. You have the exposure above and below the trigeminal nerve,


and it delivers you down to the side of the basilar artery.


So some surgeons, if they are gonna go to a low basilar bifurcation,do transcavernous approach through the clinoidal and oculomotor triangle.And others do an anterior petrosectomy that opens up this area between the pons and the clivus to reach a low basilar bifurcation.


And what nerve is this? 6th nerve


6th nerve passing below Gruber's ligament.



And, so that we can drill three approaches, one through the petrous apex,One goes to the internal acoustic meatus that's hidden here behind the superior canal.


The second comes through the petrous apex. under the trigeminal nerve,down to the side of the inferior petrosal sinus.


Adjacent to where the 6th nerve passes through Dorello's canal. And,when you're drilling medially to the petrous apex,it's easy to have sspanad of heat to the 6th nerve.I've seen a number of transient 6th nerve palsies from sspanad of heat to that nerve at the medial part of the anterior petrosectomy.


The third approach you can take through the middle fossa is an extended middle fossa approach when you can expose and drill out the labyrinth to get into the posterior fossa.



This is cisternal,meatal,and then from fundus to geniculate ganglion, what segment of facial nerve?Labyrinthine.


And distal to that is...is tympanic segment.


Now where are you going to drill if you're coming through the mastoid from lateral to open the superior vestibular area, the fundus of the meatus?Where do you drill?At a.  


We said the all the canals of three had an ampullated and non-ampullated end,



And the ampullated end of the superior and lateral canal is anterior.So when you drill through this area,you'll expose superior vestibular area.


When you're coming through the Labyrinth and inferior vestibular area,you're going to drill at the lower end of the posterior canal at d,to expose inferior vestibular area.


And the common crus is going to be located at b, here where the back end of the superior and the up end of the posterior canal join.



So, now we've drilled out the the middle fossa.We see the mastoid,

外耳道(the external canal)

鼓室(tympanic cavity)

内听道(internal acoustic meatus)



And is the cochlea going to sit at a or b?It's going to be at b.

对于该处解剖的理解,有一个窍门,称之为“Y法则”:外耳道是“Y”的一条边,内听道是另一条边,咽鼓管(eustachian tube)是第三条边。[ju:sˈteiʃiən] 


So, a way of thinking about this area is to think about it as what I call the "rule of Y": external canal is one limb,internal canal, the second limb,and eustachian tube is the third limb.

在这第三条边上,鼓膜张肌其位于咽鼓管顶壁,贴着颈内动脉,与后者之间仅一薄层骨质分隔, 三叉神经支配鼓膜张肌(tensor tympani['tɪmpənɪ]) 。


And along this anterior limb of the letter "Y"is this structure which is the...anyone?in the roof of the eustachian tube nestled up right against the carotid, separated from the carotid by a little thin shallow bone is the...tensor tympani, innervated by the...V. V innervates the tensor tympani.



So you have tensor tympani,eustachian tube,greater petrosal,and carotid,all oriented along that anterior limb of the letter "Y".Sitting at the junction of the three limbs is the tympanic cavity.


  incus ['ɪŋkəs] ,malleus ['mælɪəs] ,stapes ['steɪpi:z] ,here in the tympanic cavity.



And then also wrapped around...the junction of the three limbs is the cochlea,and the vestibule into which the semicircular canals open at this junction.


上半规管(superior canal)

外半规管(lateral canal)

后半规管(posterior canal)

鼓室(tympanic cavity) 

鼓膜张肌(tensor tympani) 



Is cochlea going to be at a or b? It's gonna be at b 



This is facial.



This is superior vestibular



inferior vestibular



And here we see the cochlea



The basal turn sits in this cochlear angle,



the middle turn, the apical turn. apical ['æpɪkəl] 顶点的

顶周 位于岩浅大神经下方,从后方与鼓膜张肌相邻。

the apical turn comes forward under the greater petrosal nerve as nestled right against the back of the tensor tympani.



The vestibule into which the three canals open.



And if you're going to the internal acoustic meatus through the middle fossa,the drilling is very tight at the fundus of the meatus.



If you get a millimeter off target in drilling out over the labyrinthine segment,you get into the cochlea,or the vestibular,and hearing is lost.And usually in these approaches, they're designed to spanserve hearing.

这里我们看到在面神经与前庭上神经之间的这个结构是垂直嵴,也称Bill棒,为了纪念Bill House在中颅窝入路研究中的贡献。


And here between the facial and superior vestibular is the Bill's bar, the vertical crest named for Bill House who introduced this middle fossa approach.



Now if you look at the area of the porus of the meatus,there's lots of room over the nerves at the porus.It's very tight at the fundus.So that when we drill out the internal acoustic meatus,it's best to work from the porus to the fundus of the meatus that there's lots of room around the nerves back here below the petrous ridge.



But, here at the fundus, the geniculate ganglion is just below the floor of the middle fossa.Sometimes it's even exposed in the floor of middle fossa.



But to get to the nerves in the porus,there's quite of thickness of bone below the petrous ridge. So that,when you begin drilling at the petrous ridge above the porus,you have to go through a lot of bone to get down to the dura around the nerves at the porus.But then as you work toward the fundus to expose the meatus,you're coming progressively more superficial and the labyrinthine segment is just below the floor of the middle fossa.

