导 言:
颧眶动脉(zygomaticoorbital artery)是颞浅动脉的一个不大的分支,主要供应眼轮匝肌(orbicularis oculi muscle),也承担面部侧方小部分的供血。颧眶动脉与眼眶周围供血动脉之间有吻合。让我们也来了解一下这支不常用的动脉分支。
解剖标本(Pinar 2006)。颞浅动脉分叉在颧弓上方。显示颧眶动脉、面横动脉和耳前动脉。
在有的研究中,认为颧眶动脉粗大,甚至比颞浅动脉粗大(Choi 2018)。但个人认为这不是普遍现象。
Choi等(Choi 2018)根据颧眶动脉主干走向外眦时有无分叉以及有无与邻近动脉的吻合分为以下几型:
Choi, D. H., Eom, J. R.,Lee, J. W., Yang, J. D., Chung, H. Y., Cho, B. C., & Choi, K. Y. (2018).Zygomatico-orbital artery: The largest artery in the temporal area. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 71(4),484-489.
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Higashino, T.,Sawamoto, N., Hirai, R., & Arikawa, M. (2013). Zygomatico-orbital artery asa recipient vessel for microsurgical head and neck reconstruction. The Journal of craniofacial surgery, 24(4),e385-387.
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Standring, S.(2016). Gray’s Anatomy (41th ed.):Elsevier.
Whetzel, T. P.,& Mathes, S. J. (1992). Arterial anatomy of the face: an analysis ofvascular territories and perforating cutaneous vessels. Plast Reconstr Surg, 89(4), 591-603- discussion 604-595.