2018年06月06日发布 | 6053阅读

神外风云人物志——Vinko V. Dolenc教授





2017年12月,Kawase教授,应天津海河颅底论坛的邀请,如约再次来到中国。Kawase教授的演讲题目,依然是成就其一生的岩前入路(Anterior Transpetrosal Approach)。

只不过,本次演讲重点是:岩前入路的历史。幻灯中的一张照片,笔者深感具有收藏价值,具有史学意义。此照片标注为:1986:First Cavernous Sinus Symposium in Ljubljana, organized by Dolenc。


1. Dolenc教授,是首次海绵窦病变论坛的组织者、召集人,其在海绵窦病变处理的学术地位显赫。自1986年至今,三十余年回头看,Dolenc教授,确实一直活跃在颅底外科学术领域,特别是在海绵窦区、中央颅底区病变的处理。

2. 1985年,Dolenc教授首先报告硬膜外前床突磨除技术(extradural anterior clinoidectomy)。恰在同年,1985年,Kawase教授首次报告岩前入路。也即,Dolenc三角与Kawase三角,从临床应用角度,可以看作是在相同年份、各自发展,一个从前方,一个从后方,共同指向海绵窦病变处理。

3. 记住Dolenc教授什么呢?从Dolenc教授的图书《Anatomy and Surgery of the Cavernous Sinus想起,笔者认为应记住:

1)一个解剖名词, 即Dolenc三角。Rhoton教授称之为床突三角(Clinoidal Triangle);

2)一个颅底概念,即中央颅底区(central skull base);

3)一种颅底技术,即前床突磨除之Dolenc教授方法(Dolenc procedure)。


V. V. Dolenc教授的文章:Evolution from the classical pterional to the contemporary approach to the central skull base,值得仔细阅读、体会。此篇中在讲前床突磨除时,有几句话,颇为重要:

Resection of the anterior clinoid process, opening of the optic canal and the optic strut.

Removal of the ACP by force may result either in entering the sphenoid sinus, and/or damaging the ICA and/or CNs III and IV. 

For that reason, removal of the final part of the ACP should be conducted with utmost care (by drilling, but under no condition by pulling).

In some cases, the very tip of the ACP, in the under aspect of the ICA, is sharp as a blade and by pulling it the ICA can easily be cut.

此处的the final part of the ACP,应理解为视柱。视柱,需要原位磨除,而非暴力撕拽。

此处的the under aspect of the ICA,其实也是视柱。撕拽视柱,极有可能造成颈内动脉损伤。


其三,Dolenc教授:赞评Dwight Parkinson教授。


Pioneer surgery of vascular lesions in the cavernous sinus (CS), carried out by Parkinson, marks the beginning of a direct surgical approach to the region.

Parkinson’s initial direct surgical approach to the CS was like the opening of a Pandora’s Box, and caused much controversy over the CS surgery.

However, the controversy – which still exists about the direct surgical approach to the region – has had a positive impact, i.e. numerous microanatomical studies made of the CS, detailed control over neurosurgical procedures, and objective comparison of neuroradiological vs. neurosurgical end results.  

Finally, the controversy surrounding CS surgery has led to well coordinated teamwork.


Parkinson’s Triangle,是海绵窦十余个三角中命名较早的三角。

历史的车轮滚滚向前,向着新发展、新成就。当前,广大同道,早已不再惧怕进入海绵窦,而且有时还把海绵窦作为手术通道的一部分。经海绵窦入路夹闭基底动脉尖动脉瘤,便是很好的例证。Transcavernous approach.


在笔者的文献资料库中,文章Dwight Parkinson, M.D., 1916–2005,J Neurosurg 103:1105–1106,2005,是一篇非常好的人物传记性史学文章。

据此文,1965年,Parkinson教授,开展治疗颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘,成绩显著、闻名于世。1981年,Parkinson教授,结束了为期三十一年的科室主任工作。退休后的Parkinson教授,转向教学与研究。其在鞍旁解剖(parasellar anatomy)多年研究的成果,便有Parkinson三角(滑车神经下三角,Infratrochlear Triangle ,Parkinson’s Triangle)。


末图:Photograph of Dwight Parkinson (1916-2005)
